"Of course."

"Does this mean you'll help us then?" Tess asked. Gerald slowly nodded his head.

"Indeed." He replied. "I'll let you through the sewers at the back of the shop. You'll be much safer that way. It should be a direct route to where Team Eclipse docked their ship. With any luck, you'll be able to rescue your friend." Play and Tess nodded their heads. Gerald then lead to the two the back of his shop. Just to the side of them, was a set of stairs that led down to a shiny metal door. It's unlikely a pedestrian would have noticed it on a walk through the street. Gerald walked down the steps holding a metal key. He placed the key in the lock and turned it, before pulling the door open. He looked back up at Play and Tess.

"Good luck you two." He said gravely. "I'm rooting for you." Play and Tess started down the steps. Tess hugged Gerald.

"Thank you uncle." Gerald looked down at Tess with a bright smile, he suddenly looked ten years younger.

"I'll see you on the other side." He said with a smile.

Me and Tess stepped into the surprisingly bright sewers and shut the door behind us. They began down the corridor. Play didn't know what to expect, but the same thing was on the two of their minds.

"Find Jake."

Pretty soon, the brightly lit, metallic white corridor they found themselves in turned off into a more dimly lit, not as nice smelling area. The whole area was made of stone, and thick, green sour looking liquids poured through a giant channel in the middle of the space.

"I should've known when Uncle Gerald said 'Sewers'." Tess remarked, wrinkling her nose.

"Better this than fighting Team Eclipse on the surface eh?" Play said with a smile. Tess smiled back, her eyes were a little red still from crying, but her mood seem to have changed from hopelessness to determination. Then, Play asked a risky question.

"I don't wanna sound intrusive or anything." Play began. "But Gerald said something about his brother-."

"That was my dad." Tess said. "Both of my parents went on some sort of expedition to this island. They were researching something like Y-Crystals or something. I wasn't listening." Then there was silence.

"But they didn't come back, did they?" Play asked. Tess suddenly stopped in her tracks. Play instantly felt stupid.

"No." She said, staring at the floor. "They think it was an accident with the boat. You should have seen the size of the search party though. They were researchers. Respected ones."

"I'm sorry." Play said. "I get it. I mean, I literally do." Tess smiled back at him. 

"Maybe one day we can track down my parents." Tess sighed. "I was only little when I last saw them." This small, moment of connection between the two seem to carry over when they were beginning to find their way around Anthian sewers when all of a sudden, a girl surprised them round the corner.

"What are you doing around here?" She barked.

"None of your business." Play tried continuing on, when the girl blocked him.

"You aren't getting past here without a battle." She snarled.

"I don't have time for this." Play mumbled, trying to pass again, the girl stood her ground. 

"Are you kidding me-."

"Hold on Play." Tess said, walking forward. She stopped just in front of the girl, with deadly venom in her eyes.

"Battle me!" Tess demanded.

"Fine by me." The girl sighed. "So long as I get one battle in today." Play stood back as the girl and Tess assumed their positions about ten feet away from each other.

"Go Gothitelle!"

"Go Gabite!"

The two Pokemon assumed their positions and stared each other down.

"Dark Pulse!" The girl yelled. Gothitelle formed a ball of dark energy between it's hands before firing it in a beam towards the dragon type.

"Dig!" Tess said. With rapid movements of it's arms. Gabite literally burrowed it's way under the hard rock and disappeared for a moment. Gothitelle looked confused before Gabite burst out of the ground with an uppercut to Gothitelle's jaw that sent it stumbling back a little.

"Shadow Claw!" Gabite's claws extended into phantom like stands of energy before it jabbed forward, slashing at Gothitelle. This did damage, and nearly brought Gothitelle to it's knees.

"PSYCHIC!" The girl yelled. Gothitelle raised it's hand in front of itself before firing a single wave of psionic energy right towards Gabite.

"Dragon Claw." Tess said, taking time and pride with every syllable. Gabite could sense Tess's determination as it's entire right hand glowed a deep purple. The dragon type kicked off the ground before aiming it's arm and the claws on it in a heavy, deep arc that slashed diagonally across and simply dispersed the psychic in seconds. Gabite didn't stop though, it carried on going and slashed into Gothitelle, it's momentum not halted at all. The Pokemon stood there for a second in shock for a moment, before it's body suddenly went limp and it collapsed to the floor, not moving, unconscious.

"Good job Gabite." Tess said, returning Gabite to it's ball. The girl simply stood there in shock, her mouth wide open.

"Come on Play." Tess said, grabbing his arm and leading him right past the girl. Play looked back one more time, and the girl still hadn't moved from her position.

Play and Tess were about to get to the other side of the sewer, they could feel it. When they passed what had felt like the one millionth damp room, they came across one with light inside it. Stopping to look, Play could see two scientists, with vibrantly coloured hair, operating over what looked like a word table. Their backs were to Play and Tess, so they couldn't see what they were doing.

"Weird." Play muttered.

After seeing the two scientists, Play finally felt his hand bump against a hard, metal door, similar to the one they'd entered the sewer from. Play tried the door handle, thank god it was unlocked.

"Is this the exit?" Tess asked quickly.

"I think so." Play responded. Play opened the door as the two stepped out into the light. They were right in front of a metal fence of sorts. Play was about to wonder if they'd gone the wrong way, when Tess touched his arm.

"Play." She murmured.


"Look over there." Play turned to follow Tess's vision, and what he saw upset, worried and horrified him. Standing just in front of Team Eclipse's ship, was Jake. And he was surrounded by team Eclipse members.

Pokemon Brick Bronze: A novelWhere stories live. Discover now