Chapter 1- Sonic?

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Sonics POV
I quickly walked home. I was very angry. I get bullied every day and nobody does anything about it! It is just not fair...
I walked into my empty house. I was the only one living there. Luckily my aunt payed for the house. So I still had somewhere to live.
I walked into my bathroom and my face had dry blood, scars, cuts, and bruises.
My slender peach face looked like something from a horror movie. Same with my arms. My Sky blue shirt was a purple color from the blood and my Jean shorts were all ripped up.
I washed up my face and I took a shower. The hot water felt nice actually, well I mean with all my scars and stuff.
My parents were dead so it just left me... I cut myself so many times it wasn't even funny.
The "Sonic the hedgehog" you all once knew, was dead....
Sorry it's only this... I wanna start my other story

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 24, 2015 ⏰

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