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He starred at me for so long, that I could not remember anything from before that moment. His eyes were hard and chest puffed out. His feet were spread to stand strong, and arms in a threatening position.

Then a voice broke out from him. Loud, strong, and clear.

"You are too weak. Too feminine." His chest puffed out even more.

"You are too loud. Too immobile," was what I replied to seem just as condescending as him to me.

He seemed to bristle and puff even more. Like he was offended more than I could ever be. I wonder why.

"I would have you know," he started.

"And I would have you sit," was what came from me before he could continue. Why was I being like this? It was a tad bit rude.

But then again, so was he at the moment.

He seemed to redden and step closer to me. Step by step, until he was half way to me. I mirrored him and met him half way.

"You need to learn some silence."

"While you need to learn so much more."

There was an eternity of silence again. Neither backed down. Eye to eye. He was not a centimeter taller than I.

He seemed to get redder and frown more before harsh wind suddenly pushed between us.

I looked around and found the once lush greenery that had been around us to have turned to white piles. Flakes of light water drops frozen in shape fluttered to the ground. They drifted through the air slowly and peacefully.

It was a moments brake from the knight.

Too bad he did not notice at all. He took my eyes looking away as his victory. Victory of what, I do not really know. It was stupid, though, that much was understood. 

The snow picked up, and try as I might, I could not move to take cover. It was so cold all of the sudden. I looked down to see my feet frozen.

I looked forward, then, to see the knight no where to be found. Soon my vision was covered with snow. 

For something so light and pure, it was so dark. There was no light and no vision of what was around me. 

So I just closed my eyes.

 And waited. 

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