9‣ 𝙬𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙬𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙

Start from the beginning

he hates how good the blue-haired can make him feel, Hyunjin had never experienced such sheer pleasure from just watching someone ride him and the feeling of the blue-haired taking him is something that can simply not be described in words. It was ecstasy in all its glory and that was as best as it could be described as. Felix had his tousled blue hair stuck to his forehead and Hyunjin had his blond hair slicked back, their nude bodies glistening in the warm light of the penthouse Hyunjin had brought them in

when Felix and he first got out of the car, the blue-haired had thought they were at some local hotel but upon another glance he realized it was anything but a local hotel, it was luxury in the best form. A tall towering building that looked like it was made entirely of glass, walking inside Felix felt like he was in a Hollywood spy movie, gold, black and beige everywhere. The tiles a beautiful and glossy beige, the walls a mix of gold and black, and the interior of the lobby was a combination of all three colors. Staff dressed in exquisite clothing all rushed to line up in front of them, bowing like they were royalty and Felix was quick to realize it wasn't because that was the hotel's custom but because of Hyunjin

he watched through his haze of sensuality how masculine and domineering the blond had suddenly started to feel like as they made their way up a set of stairs, how he didn't spare the bowing staff even a glance and how his posture was that of an authority figure too superior to breath usual air. If it had been any other situation, Felix would've called Hyunjin an asshole and given him a lecture for being rude but for now, he kept his silence, too clouded with lust to understand things better

when they made their way inside an elevator, Hyunjin stopped any staff and guards that were accompanying them and they proceeded toward a penthouse suite that didn't need to be bothered by explaining its opulence, it was grand, royal, and dripping with beauty. But better than all of this luxury was the way Hyunjin had marked the blue-haired in these maroon silk sheets, how he had painted him scarlet in this warm light of the magnificent chandelier above them, how he had snatched the stars from the skies and wrapped them around his body in the shape of kisses.

And now here he sat, screaming the enigmatic man's name for the hundredth time that day as his body gave out and he fell on top of Hyunjin, feeling the blond's warmth shoot inside of him and trickle out slightly. His face buried in the crook of Hyunjin's neck and the taller's hands set firmly on his hips, holding him in his place as he gently pulled them away and instead wrapped them around Felix's waist, holding him close to his bare body and inhaling the sweet scent that came from him. This was unnatural for him, he'd never done such a thing before and it felt all too bizarre and he didn't want to admit it felt not just peculiar but insanely comforting too

the last time he'd hugged someone was his father and that was six years ago, and cuddling with somebody after having sex with them was just not a possibility Hyunjin had ever pondered. It was completely not plausible and he'd hated it all this time but out of nowhere, tonight he found this urge inside of him to remain close to this specific boy and he couldn't fight it. He's too tired right now, that's the excuse he made to help him get away with his storming thoughts. Morning can come and bring outrage regarding tonight with it but for now, he was content with holding this boy.

Seconds pass and turn into minutes and Felix lets out a loud blissful sigh which brings Hyunjin out of his trance of slumber, he didn't realize when sleep was about to take him because he had been too intoxicated with this comforting feeling. He shook awake, parting himself from the blue-haired and clearing his throat as Felix pulled away from the hug and looked at him confused. The connection of their gazes is a strange feeling, their bodies are close—too close, their breaths are dancing together like thieves in the night and suddenly there's an urge to capture the other's mouth with their own rising in their hearts

𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐦; 𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐱Where stories live. Discover now