'First, tell me three things you can see?' I think, trying to force my eyes open, but everything is blurry.

'You' I squeak out. 'Ceiling. Shower.'

'Very good. Two things you can hear?' I think again, my voice coming out as a whisper. 'Your voice, a ringing sound'.

'Well done, you're doing great. One thing you can smell?' I think for a second. 'Soap'. Although I still feel uneasy, I can feel the ground again.

'Sho, how else can I help you?' I think. 'P-pressure' I say. I'm immediatly pulled into a tight hug. She slightly rocks me from side to side.

I hear the bathroom door open, and peak over her shoulder, seeing a half asleep Deku.

'Mum, what's going on?' She turns to face him. 'Sho just needed help calming down. But I think he's okay now'.

Deku crouches down next to me. 'You okay now?' He asks. I nod. He turns to his mum. 'I'm happy to take over now mum. You've got to be up in one hour'

'You sure? I'm happy to call in sick.'

'It's okay, I've got it' he smiles. Inko returns the smile, then leaves the bathroom. Suddenly, I'm being hoisted up bridal style, and carried into Deku's room. He gently puts me down on the bed, and then lies on top of me.

'Thank you' I whisper out, the pressure comforting me.

'Do you want to talk about it?' He asks. I shake my head. 'Okay then.' We lie in silence, until I feel him completely relax, and his breathing become steady. I smile.

He shuffles, trying to get comfortable, eventually pulling me into a spoon. I feel his face burrow into the back of my neck. I can feel his warm breath against my nape. It's nice.

He pities you.

I try and shake my thoughts.

You're letting him down.

Instinctivaly, I pull the elastic band, snapping it against my arm. But then I feel Deku's arm creep round, locking me in place.

'Tell me what's going on in that head Sho'. Shit, I thought he fell asleep. 'Nothing' I say. He sighs. 'Don't lie to me. Please, just talk to me'.

Hurt yourself.

'Well. I-i'm not having...great thoughts' I say. 'What thoughts?' He responds. 

Slice your arms.

'Hurt myself' I whisper. He gently rolls me over so I'm facing him, staring into my eyes. 'I won't let you hurt my beautiful boyfriend' He says. I smile. 'The voice can go fuck itself'. I giggle. He brushes some hair off my face, tracing the side of my face with his hand.

'Is that what that snapping sound was?' I freeze. Shit. 'I-it stops me from doing worse'. He nods, understanding. He pulls me in, and curls around me.

'I love you Shoto. Thanks for telling me.' I smell the rosemary, which helps calm me down. And before I know it, I'm asleep.


I open my eyes, and am immediately met with the green eyes of Deku.

'Were you watching me sleep?' I ask. He goes red. 'N-no I just woke up'. I smile. 'You're a bad liar Izuku'. 'Fine. You're cute when you sleep, okay?' I laugh. 

He looks down at my arms, and frowns. I look down - my right arm is covered in long purple bruises. I awkwardly shuffle, trying to tuck my arm underneath myself. He gently takes it, pulling it up, kissing it.

'Don't be embarrassed, it's okay'. 

'Stop being cute' I say. He sticks his tongue out. 'Nope. I am and will always be adorable'. 

I climb out of the bed, only for Deku to grab my waist, pulling me back under the covers. 'You're not going anywhere.'

'What?!' I ask surprised. 'I am going to make you waffles and you'll have breakfast in bed'. I laugh.

He climbs out, pulling on a jumper. 'You better not leave that bed, or we'll be having words' he says. I stick out my tongue. He leaves the room. 

Immediately, I sneak out of his bed, pulling on my own jumper to hide my arms. I climb back into the bed. I can hear clattering coming from downstairs.

I open my phone.

Shinso: You're so lucky, papa never lets Denks round :(

PIkachu: Dude tell me everything at school on Monday!

Aizawa: Hope you're okay. Mic and I have something we need to discuss with you.

Eri: *cat meme*, *dog meme*, *penguin meme*


I smile. I get another ping.

Natsuo: I know things are shitty right now, but Endevour has a business trip next week. Please come round! I want you to meet Aoto. Hows Monday at 7? Feel free to bring a friend!

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