Chapter 5: The Unbearable truth

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As I continued my quest for a part-time job, the reality of my financial situation became more pressing. The bustling streets and crowded businesses offered no solace; each potential employer dismissed me with apologetic glances, citing scheduling conflicts. Frustration settled in; the need for income gnawed at me. In the midst of my worries, an unknown number interrupted my contemplation. I answered hesitantly.

"Hello?" I said.

"Miss Y/n, are you coming back? I'll send you a car; please wait," came Yori's calm voice.

His timing was impeccable, and I couldn't help but wonder about the efficiency of the mysterious mechanisms at Saint's University. Before I could provide my location, he ended the call, leaving me to marvel at the seamless orchestration.

A car arrived promptly, whisking me back to the university. In my room, a quick change of attire was followed by another delightful dinner prepared by Yori. The culinary skills of the enigmatic butler seemed to transcend the ordinary.

After dinner, as the night loomed, I hoped for a reprieve from my recent sleepless nights. Yet, before attempting sleep, I sought solace in the cool night air. Descending the stairs, I spotted Yori in the lobby.

"Good thing you're here. You forgot your phone during dinner, and I just saw it. I was about to take it to you," Yori mentioned, his ever-present smile intact.

Grateful for his attentiveness, I retrieved my phone, realizing its absence had eluded my notice. As I stepped outside, the brisk wind tousled my hair, prompting contemplation about the newfound trajectory of my life.

I pondered the success of severing ties with my father thus far. The path seemed to unfold seamlessly – gaining admission to the university and securing a place to live without his assistance. However, a sense of apprehension lingered; was this serendipity too good to be true? The air held a blend of uncertainty and optimism, underscoring the enigma that Saint's University had become.

Restless, I returned to my room, hoping for a reprieve from the recurring insomnia. Once again, sleep remained elusive. My gaze lingered on the phone, displaying the wallpaper featuring my late friend. The familiarity of his face triggered memories of our shared history.

Back in the days, we used to quarrel incessantly. However, this camaraderie had dissolved when we embarked on separate educational journeys. A wave of nostalgia swept over me as I remembered our spirited disagreements. But amid the reminiscence, an unsettling realization surfaced – why couldn't I recall the circumstances of his demise?

The details eluded me – the time, the place, the how. I desperately sought clarity, questioning the gaps in my recollection.

As I pondered these mysteries, my phone chimed with a notification. To my astonishment, it was a message from Hame – my supposedly departed friend. His words appeared on the screen, inquiring about my new school and expressing regret over the reduced frequency of our interactions. The surreal nature of the messages left me bewildered.

Then, another pop-up message appeared, stating, "Hey, I can see you're online and reading this. Why aren't you replying?" This exchange felt eerily authentic, echoing our past conversations.

Doubt crept in. Could it truly be him? The disbelief intensified as he playfully scolded me for not responding promptly. I decided to dispel the uncertainty by calling him.

"Why did you call? Alright, I'll let you sleep... Don't be mad. I'm sorry," he said in response.

His voice, so unmistakably his, reverberated through the phone. The surge of emotions overwhelmed me – confusion, disbelief, and a glimmer of hope. Yet, the inexplicable events didn't stop there.

Suddenly, my phone screen turned black. Panic set in as I pressed the power button repeatedly, yielding no response. The device, which moments ago connected me with a seemingly resurrected friend, now displayed an ominous series of numbers on a black background.

Perplexed and slightly unnerved, I wondered if my phone had fallen victim to hacking. The surreal encounter with my friend, combined with the peculiar glitch in my device, left me grappling with the thin boundary between reality and the inexplicable.


To be continued

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