Bookstore story

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"Alright let's call it a day! Remember you girls have a free day the rest of the week so feel free to roam around" Their manager suddenly shouted

The girls told their leader not to give up as they packed their things to head back to the dorm.

Next day...

Jihyo got up bright and early in the morning as she got dressed. She put on jeans as she wore a puffy jacket along with a white scarf since it was cold outside that there was snow and icicles.

The girls were still asleep except Mina who was on her phone sitting on the couch.

"I'll be at the bookstore call me if anything happens" Jihyo said

Mina nodded as Jihyo was out.

At the bookstore...

It was nice and quiet at the bookstore. Of course it's supposed to be but it really was quiet. There was almost nobody there.

That's why Jihyo likes going early in the morning. There's not a lot of people and she loves the vibes of the bookstore when it's empty.

Jihyo looked around looking at new books that recently were published. As she didn't find anything that interest her, she went to the romance section.

The leader looked through the books while walking sideways to read the titles. Not watching where she was going, she suddenly tripped over a book that was left on the floor.

Excepting herself to embarrassedly fall face plant on the floor she yelped while shutting her eyes.

Suddenly the leader felt arms around her. She froze as her heart started to beat.

Is this it?

No's too cliche

What if it really is a handsome guy!

No no! Don't give yourself hope!

"Are you alright?" A soft voice asked

Well that doesn't sound like a man at all.

Jihyo slowly looked up only see a woman holding her.

Suddenly, Jihyo's heart started to beat 100x faster! She doesn't know quite why exactly...

Somehow she isn't disappointed it wasn't a guy. But why? Didn't she want a handsome guy to catch her???

"Ma'am?" The woman waved her hand in front of Jihyo's face

Immediately Jihyo was brought back as she stood straight, still in the arms of this beautiful woman.

"I-I uh yes...t-thank you" The leader said

The woman smiled as she finally let go of Jihyo.


Jihyo doesn't know why exactly but she mentally frown when the woman let go.

"You should be more careful. Some people don't know how to put things away" The woman said chuckling

Jihyo barely knew what she was saying. All she did was admire her beauty. Her rosy cheeks, brown eyes, black hair that was tied into the most beautiful ponytail with the front strands hanging out, her glasses, and finally her black puffy jacket that looked just like Jihyo's.

"Anyway~ were you looking for a certain book?" The beautiful woman asked

"U-uh no not really heh...I-I was just looking for a new one to read" Jihyo nervously chuckled

She doesn't know why she feels like this. She's never felt this way towards a why her? I mean, it's not like Jihyo officially knew she was straight. She's never tried girls before so she had to be straight. Right?...

"Oh! Well if you don't me recommending you one, then I suggest reading
'A Bookstore Story' " The woman said as she handed the book to Jihyo

"T-thank you...I'll take a look at it" Jihyo said

The woman nodded as she also admired Jihyo. Her long hair that was curled, her scarf that made her cheeks look cute and puffy, that cute mole on her nose, and those beautiful big eyes.

As the two woman checked each other out and got lost in each other's eyes, they quickly cleared their  throats realizing they've been staring at each other.

"Do you mind me asking your name?.." The woman asked

"Jihyo...I'm Park Jihyo"

"Cute name..I'm Chou Tzuyu"

The two women smiled at each other as they shook hands.

There was silence before Tzuyu decided to rip the bandaid.

"So uhh, I-I know this might be...weird or awkward, but, would you like to go out for coffee? O-or even a little bar for drinks?..." The tall girl asked

Jihyo was hesitant. Should she tell the girl she's straight? Well no. She doesn't even know if she likes girls. Why not give it a shot for once?

"I would love does tonight sound?" Jihyo said

Tzuyu was surprised by the leader's answer but soon smiled.

"Tonight sounds great...Shall I give you my number?" Tzuyu asked

Jihyo nodded as they exchanged phone numbers.

"Well then...I'll be off" Jihyo said

"Uh me too...I'll text you later" Tzuyu said

The two smiled at each other before bidding their goodbyes, wishing the day could go by faster.

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