XI. An Answer

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"Hello, my name is Natalia Waters and you are watching the seven pm news on Kiro7. Today we have received information that the police are considering the option of introducing a curfew. The number of victims is growing bigger and bigger every week and the panic doesn't subside. The police ask you not to go out in the dark and stay in connection with loved ones, as night walks can lead to very bad consequences.

Also the car of Leah Jones, who had been announced missing with her boyfriend Adam Simons the same day, was found last night. The car was abandoned on the outskirts of the city, and a bag containing more than ten thousand dollars was found inside. There were no traces of where Jones and Simons might have disappeared. The police suspect that the money was stolen and the pair wanted to escape the city and lie low. If you have any information please contact the police."

Who would've guessed. Lewis is willing to bet that they're dead. And this is another sign that they are members of that damned cult. Of course, everything makes sense. The cult would not allow anyone who knew of their existence to simply run away. Of course not, that would be strange. But why did they hide the corpses? Will they be found at all? Most likely not. He's sure they got rid of everything. They are being much more careful, Lewis noticed.

He took the remote control from the sofa and turned off the TV, sitting back at his desk. All that remains is to write a letter. Just a couple of sentences. Nothing hard..

How Lewis hated this part.

Lewis walked up to the window, looking out at the evening city. It was dim and the moon had risen above the horizon, bathing the city below in a soft light. Clouds adorned the greyish blue sky and a light breeze blew through the night. There was almost no one on the street. Apparently everyone took the advice on the news.

Lewis caught himself missing the once annoying cheerful squeals of children outside his apartment, his thoughts went back to the past. But now is not the time to swell. He re-read his letter one last time before leaving it on the windowsill.


Have you found anything yet? Any new information?

I found a safe in Jordan's apartment and there were drops of blood in there. I assume that killing him was a secondary goal, and the main goal was to rob him. I also recently interviewed Jordan's acquaintances. And as it turned out, he was friends with the same couple whose car was found with money. Jones and Simons. You have heard the news, right? This is very suspicious, don't you think? I'm almost a hundred percent sure that they were part of a cult and they were killed because they wanted to run away. But I can't understand why they hid the corpses. This wouldn't give the police anything. Are they just worried? Just to be safe? They have become much more careful lately, you have most likely noticed this too.

It would also be very helpful if you could help find more information too. Or at least tell me something. I don't know anything about you. But maybe this information could help with the search. Just saying..

-Lewis Williams."

Now he needs to wait for an answer.

and wait..

and wait...

and wait..

Lewis was cleaning up the morgue after a long day of autopsies. The morgue had a familiar, comforting atmosphere, and the work was often tedious. The bodies of the victims were laid out on slabs and covered with a white sheet.


Cody's head poked around the door.

"Hilton? What are you doing here?" Lewis asked with surprise. How did they even let him in?

"I came to pick up documents about the victims." Cody entered the room, taking in the cold and deserted atmosphere. He noticed several corpses lying on tables, their faces covered with plastic wrap, and felt a chill run down his spine. The place was a depressing sight and Cody couldn't help but feel uneasy as he walked into the room. However, Lewis stood calmly and worked hard as always. Cody walked up to him, observing the grim scene around him.

"They would have given them to you tomorrow anyway; you didn't have to come."

"Well, I wanted to get the today. Besides, what if you've missed me, hehe." He was apparently in a good mood.

"Here are the documents, you can go now." Lewis ignored his joking around and gave him a folder of papers.

"How long do you still have left? Let me give you a ride, your car is still broken."

Lewis sighed. He definitely didn't feel like taking a bus for forty minutes... and by car it would take him about twenty minutes..

It's nice to have friends, Lewis supposes

"Sure, I'll finish in a sec."

Lewis returned home after a long day at the morgue, tired. As he entered his apartment, he noticed a letter on his desk. Lewis took the letter and immediately recognized the familiar handwriting.

Finally. After five days of waiting, he responded.

"Hello Lewis.

I was starting tp think that you had decided to stop writing to me and had already resigned yourself to your fate, but fortunately I was wrong. Let's start with the fact that you don't need to know everything about me. If I think something is important, I will tell you myself.

As for the news, yes, I heard. I agree with you. I had my suspicions. I think that the corpses were either burned or otherwise disposed of. If the police had found the bodies, it might have given the cult away.

Those two should have a tattoo on their arm, like all the cult members. Therefore, it would be too risky to simply leave the corpses as they were.

Chris Davis had the same tattoo. You probably remember - the one who committed suicide. I found her thanks to this tattoo. Oh, I forgot to mention; It wasn't suicide at all, it was I who killed her. The note was also mine. As a warning. Though, I wasn't expecting them to start being so cautious.

This is how the cult mark looks like. I hope it helps.


At the very bottom of the sheet was a mark. It was this mark that could help Lewis find out more.

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