X. Stranger's Trust

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Exactly two weeks have passed since Lewis received that mysterious letter. A lot has changed in that short time, including Lewis; he began to behave more carefully with Cody. If Hilton, the detective on this case, even began to suspect Lewis of anything, then that was it. He became much more closed off and only talked to Cody about work.

And Hilton, in turn, noticed Lewis's slightly strange behavior. He refused to go to a cafe with him, he immediately ran away after work and didn't even let Cody give him a ride home, although the car was still broken down. However, Cody decided to give Lewis some space and left him alone, believing that he simply needed time to rethink his approach to the case.

Lewis made a sudden decision to place a camera near his window.

Although he knew it might be a stupid idea, he still installed a security camera. He knew it probably wouldn't work and Jack would most likely become suspicious, but he still clung to the hope that Jack might be an organ thief.

But on the tape, Jack didn't do anything. He just calmly looked straight into the camera, left his letter, and left, confirming Lewis's guesses.

When this realization hit Lewis, he felt uneasy. He was disturbed by the fact that this unknown person who had contacted him through letters was the criminal that all of Seattle had been hunting for all this time. And while Lewis writes letters back to him, Jack breaks into other people's apartments and cuts them open. But Lewis was not about to be bullied into submission, and was determined to continue hunting the organ thief while helping him at the same time.

Lewis didn't particularly like the chaotic nature of his interactions with Jack. He felt like he was in the 17th century, writing these letters and leaving them on the windowsill, waiting for an answer. He was only missing a fireplace, candles and old furniture.

It was also inconvenient because Jack seemed to receive Lewis's letters at different times each time, causing him to lack consistency and predictability. Lewis liked things to be stable and punctual, but these casual interactions seemed sloppy and disorganized to him. Sometimes the letter lay on the windowsill for a week until it disappeared. This irritated Lewis. He hated the feeling of coming home after work and seeing his letters on the windowsill exactly where he had left them. These letters, now gathering dust, were a stark reminder to Lewis of what he had gotten himself into.

Another thing that annoyed Lewis was Jack's lack of feedback. He always asked Lewis about anything, but he did not answer questions concerning himself. Lewis, of course, understood why Jack did not want to reveal any information about himself, but answers to some of his questions would greatly help the case. But what else did he expect from a maniac? Certainly not help. Although Jack said they would work together to catch the cult, all he did was rush and threaten Lewis.

So Lewis began to act without Jack's direction. He stopped worrying about the letters and began to answer them less often; Jack wrote nothing of any use anyway. Only thingslike "find out about this", "find out about that". It's like Lewis is his secretary. At this rate, they wouldn't have solved the case in a year. So Lewis took matters into his own hands.

The plan in Lewis's head was quite simple:

Ask Jordan's classmates with whom he communicated and was close.

Then, ask the named people and collect information about them. The main thing is not to scare them or attract attention. After all, Lewis has no right to interrogation. But he could use the small authority and trust of people. Everyone knows him as "The smart guy with glasses from TV." So if he knocks on the door and says that he is here for interrogation with a straight face, then they might even believe him.

"Hello. Are you Matt Richards? I'm here for questioning about Jordon Green. Did you know him?"

"Hello, yes. Can I see your interrogation warrant first?"

Okay, maybe Lewis was wrong. Maybe not everyone is so gullible.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot. I'll go get it from the car." Lewis smiled calmly and walked back towards the bus stop.

After a couple more failed interrogation attempts, Lewis finally found the perfect candidate for his interview. It was Jordan's teacher, a man in his seventies. And fortunately, he recognized Lewis. This already made his task easier, because now Lewis could skip the whole "gaining trust" process.

The old man told Lewis that Jordan had only 2 friends who were his classmates. He didn't really talk to anyone else that much.

"Leah Jones and Adam Simons are their names. Though, I heard that they dropped out." He remembered. "Even though they pretended to be friends, it was obvious that the two were dating. Also, Jordan was always like the third wheel among them. As soon as Jordan would leave to go somewhere, they began to whisper and giggle. But these, of course, are just my suspicions and guesses. I don't know anything exactly about their relationship. After all, sometimes there were still moments when the three of them really did look like good friends." The teacher stopped, trying to remember something else about the victim.

"Well, in general, he was a fairly charismatic guy, but he didn't communicate closely with anyone from the group. Maybe sometimes exchanged a few words, but no more."

"Oh, I see.." Lewis nodded, writing down his grandfather's words in a notebook. "Do you know why Jones and Simons dropped out?"

"Well, I remember about two days ago I was walking my dog ​​along our streets, when I saw these two hastily putting suitcases and bags into their car. And the next day they weren't in lectures. And today neither."

"Leah Jones and Adam Simons...Okay, thank you very much." Lewis shook the teacher's hand and headed out.

"Leah Jones and Adam Simons," Lewis repeated to himself once again as he left the building. He knew something was wrong and he had a feeling that these two teenagers might be connected to the case. Now that he had some information, Lewis could finallybegin to investigate further. Surely there had to be some reason why these two students left university so suddenly and without warning, immediately after the death of their own friend.

Maybe they were just scared? Who would even want to live here? If you think about it, quitting university and moving away after your friend was killed is a completely reasonable decision. But it was as if a little bird was whispering in Lewis's ear that everything was not so simple. He couldn't explain why he thought it was suspicious, it was just his intuition. And although Lewis usually relies only on logic, this time he decided to trust his gut.

After getting on the bus, Lewis felt a wave of fatigue wash over him. It had been a long day and he was looking forward to getting home and going to bed. Lewis knew he had a lot of work to do, but for now he was content to just enjoy the ride home. The bus was almost empty, most likely because many were still at work. The soft breeze from the window ruffled his hair as he closed his eyes, feeling the gentle sway of the bus moving through the city. He was lost in thought, contemplating the next steps he would need to take. The steady hum of the engine was a soothing sound and rhythm on the drive home. It was five times calmer than a ten-minute ride with Hilton. Looking at the city rushing by, he sighed. His thoughts turned to Jack. He would probably need to notify him of the newly gathered information, which means another letter.

Lewis sat down at his desk with a new piece of paper and a pen in his hand. Gathering his thoughts, he put the black gel pen to the paper, but the right words did not come to mind. He just stared at the blank page.

The familiar tune of the 7 o'clock news started playing on the TV. Lewis looked up from the paper. What if it's something important. Jack can wait.

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