You've Never Had Chocolate Like This

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After a long day of scrubbing and making deliveries with Noodle, the two of us had one of those few rare downtime moments tonight. I took this opportunity to do some writing, a passion I've had since I was a kid.

It was the whole reason I came to the Galéries Gourmet in the first place. My mother died of complications from child birth and my father, who was a teacher used to fill my head with so many wonderful stories when I was a kid. He gave me my dream to become an author and write a story that's just as good as one of the ones he told me.

Sadly, my dad got very sick and pass away when I was 15. Instead of letting myself get dragged off to an orphanage, I set out on my own to my dad's hometown the Galéries Gourmet.

My biggest mistake was taking up a room at Mrs. Scrubitt's boarding house, so that I could save the money I had left. Next thing I knew, I was charged an exorbitant fee and imprisoned to work for Mrs. Scrubitt and Bleacher.

A year later, a baby had drop down the laundry shoot with a ring around her neck. Mrs. Scrubitt thought the initial on it was an N, so she named her Noodle and then handed her off to me. I was tasked on taking care of baby all on my own at the age of 16, otherwise I'll get charged another 10,000 sovereigns for child neglect.

It wasn't so bad, Noodle has always been a good and remarkably intelligent child, even when she was a baby. She hardly ever cried and was able to communicate very well on what she wanted. Always made me wonder who her parents were and if genetics had anything to do with her high intelligence

12 years later, Noodle and I are still here at the boarding house, trying to pay off our debt. Yup even Noodle got charged, despite Mrs. Scrubitt and Bleacher hardly doing anything for her and leaving it all up to me. Noodle's debt is 30,000 while mine is 20,000. Seems like neither of us are ever getting out of here.

"(Name)." I lifted my head at Noodle calling for me and saw her poking her head in the doorway, signaling for me to come. "What is it?" I asked, closing my little notebook and getting up to see what's got her so worked up.

"There's a funny guy out here." Noodle replied, grabbing my hand and pulling me out to the front entrance of the boarding house. We peek our heads out to see Mrs. Scrubitt is talking to a young man, who looked to be around my age.

He had dark brown curly hair, a brown top hat, a purple coat, and carrying a cane. He looked as if he walked right out of a children's book. "You can run cars on that! Now what can I do for you? A room, is it?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked the young man.

"Well yes but er..." The man muttered. "Mr. Wonka is temporarily embarrassed." Bleacher revealed, from where he is sitting by the window. "Oh no, you don't say." Mrs. Scrubitt said, feigning astonishment.

"I'm afraid it's true, Mrs Scrubitt, but all that's about to change." Wonka said. "Oh yeah?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, intrigued. "See, I'm something of a magician, inventor, and chocolate maker. And first thing tomorrow at the Galeries Gourmet, I plan to unveil my most astonishing creation yet. Prepare to be amazed as I present to you..."

Wonka reaches into his hat and pulls out... "A teapot?" Mrs. Scrubitt asked, confused. Wonka hums and sees the yellow teapot he's holding. "No that's just for making tea. One second." He said, putting the teapot aside and starts rummaging in his hat.

He produces a bunch of carrots and stares at them, perplexed. "That's for my stew." He said and digs in again, pulling out a string of handkerchieves. Noodle and I stifles a laugh. "It's in here somewhere."

"Er... don't you worry, Mr Wonka, I can see you're a man of great ingenuity and we've got just the thing for you: the Entrepreneurial Package...." Mrs. Scrubitt said and Noodle gasps, running off to the backroom.

Wonka: Sweeter Than Chocolate (Wonka x Female!Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum