Losing grip.

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your lip and ian's little sister and you have a breakdown they help you through.
your name is lizzy.

my boyfriend and i got into an argument and he started beating me, this was the last time i was gonna let him hurt me. Once he finished beating me i left, i grabbed my shit and walked home. i started sobbing and crying the whole walk home, i walked in and started punching the couch there and i screamed. lip and Ian ran down "woah woah, lizzy what happened." lip yelled as he hugged me, "i can't do it anymore!" i yelled, "do what?" ian yelled as lip sat me down on his lap. i let out a shaky breath and continued to cry into my big brothers chest "i'm tired of the abuse." i sobbed out into lips chest. lip and Ian looked at each other and knew it was my boyfriend again. lip carried me upstairs to his and ian's room and ian followed behind us, he laid me on the bed and they both laid next to me. i kept crying while Ian and Lip hugged me, "what did he do this time?" Ian asked, "we were arguing and he started beating me and i don't wanna be with him anymore." i replied as i continued crying into lips chest. "break up with him then." lip said, "i-i can't, i've tried, he just hurts me more." i said. Lip and Ian gave a look to each other again and got up. lip picked me up bridal style and started walking. "where are we going?" i asked. Ian grabbed the bat and i knew where they were taking me, "n-no Ian don't!" i said, "it's only fair, he hurts you, your hurt him." lip said, "n-no please he's stronger then me, please!" i reasoned, "lizzy no, he beaten you, your gonna hurt him even worse, and we're gonna be by your side to make sure he doesn't hurt you again." Ian said as he wiped the tears from my eyes. lip put me down and wiped away the blood from my nose. "he's never gonna hurt you again sweetheart, i promise." lip whispered as we started walking to my boyfriends house. when we got there i knocked on his door and he opened up, "coming back for more you little slut?" he said, Ian handed me the bat and i hit him in the knee and hit him with hit in the arm and stomach multiple times, "GO FUCK YOURSELF!!" i yelled as me and my brothers walked away. i stopped in the alley and lit one of my cigarettes before handing it to my brothers. they looked at me then each other and smiled. "you did good liz." Ian said as he hugged me, i hugged him and then lip hugged me. "you stood your ground." lip said as i started crying again, Ian picked me up bridal style and i started crying into his chest. they knew i needed time after the break up and they knew i was still traumatized from the abuse. they carried me home and brought me back to their room and laid me down again. i had fallen asleep in ian's arms as they carried me home. they laid down next to me again and they both hugged me. "you did good liz, you did good." Ian whispered. "he's never gonna hurt you again." lip whispered as they both fell asleep.
hi yall, dw. i'm not switching fandoms i'm mixing my fandoms, it's a cross between obx and shameless.
anyway, i love yall.

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