The First Day

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The rays of sunlight beamed upon the Slifer Red dorm, spilling through the crack between the curtains of each and every dorm room window, hoping to signal that it was time for the students to awaken. The same could be said for Maria as her eyelids fluttered open to the morning light in her dorm room. Sitting up in her bed and stretching, she took out her PDA to check the time. She remembered that she had classes at 8AM so she had to be up bright and early for them. Leaving her bed, the caramel haired girl headed to the bathroom to get washed and dressed into her uniform. Blair would probably be up too, having heard her awaken.

Now dressed in her uniform representing her rank, Maria stood in the living room, waiting for Blair. The blue haired girl stepped out all dressed and ready.

"Morning, Maria." She greeted her friend and roommate.

"Morning. Can't believe this is my first day at the academy." Maria greeted back.

"I'll say." Blair replied, heading for the door. "Well, better get some breakfast. We still got some time until class."

With that, the two girls headed to the dorm cafeteria. The room was very simple as the furniture consisted of simple tables and benches. Up ahead was a small kitchen separated by a counter and a curtain. Inside, a figure of a large woman with greyish brown hair, tied in a single plait and glasses was dishing up some breakfast when the girls had entered.

A warm smile adorned her face as she turned to see them. "Why good morning, girls. So nice to see you up bright and early. You two must be famished." She set two trays of food down for them. "This oughta help you get through the day."

"Thank you kindly, Ms. Dorothy." Maria thanked sweetly, having recognised her from yesterday when she arrived at the academy.

"Yeah, thanks so much." Blair added.

"It's no trouble at all. You two can still find me working the card store." Ms. Dorothy beamed. "Speaking of which, look at me jabbering when I have the store to attend to. Sadie will be wondering where I am. Hope to see you two later."

"Okay. Hope the store has good cards in stock." Replied Maria.

After Ms. Dorothy left to tend to her card store duties, the two girls began to dine on their morning meal. It was a fairly simple meal, given the low rank of the Slifer dorm but it was good nonetheless. Once their bellies were filled, Blair got up from her chair.

"That was a good breakfast." She remarked.

Maria nodded in agreement, noticing some trays of food were left out on another table. She picked up her and Blair's trays and took them to the sink in the kitchen.

"Where are you going, Maria?" She asked.

"Just thought I'd help with washing some dishes. What with Ms. Dorothy tending to the card store, I think I should do her a kindness to get the dishes washed up and dried. Besides, class doesn't start until 8AM so I'll see you there." Maria answered, placing the dirty plates and chopsticks in the sink and filling it with warm water.

"Okay, if you say so." Replied Blair. "But make sure not to be late, otherwise Crowler will give you a stern reprimanding."

The caramel haired girl nodded, adding a drop of washing up liquid. Hearing the cafeteria door slide closed, she turned off the tap, as to not overflow the sink. Picking up a dishcloth, her eyes fell on a radio sitting on the worktop. She remembered how her mother would play music whenever she did the household chores and how she would help her out. Putting the cloth in the soapy water, she pressed the play button and the music began.

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