valentina started think about it more and more, and the thought started to eat at her, not leaving her mind.


later that night, valentina got a ride from jess, gabby, and yulia to the party. they parked outside and hopped out of the car, approaching the front door and walking in.

"house of balloons" by the weeknd was blasting on the radio and the rancid, strong smell of alcohol hit the girls.

"where's scuba and evan?" yulia wondered. "i don't know, but i'm gonna find evan." gabby grinned. "i'm starting to think she likes him." jess rolled her eyes.

"yeah, it's a little annoying." yulia agreed. valentina stood quietly although she secretly agreed too.

gabby found evan in a distance, who stood with scuba. gabby gave evan a hug, scuba giving her an odd look.

the three girls walked over to evan and scuba and gabby. "scuba you sure know how to know a party." jess commented. yulia nodded in agreement and placed a kiss on scuba's lips.

the couple walked off to greet others, leaving gabby, evan, jess, and valentina.

"scuba didn't invite ryan, did he?" jess wondered. "i think he did," evan nodded at jess. "but he won't bother you." evan stated, glancing at valentina. "i seriously doubt it. his existence alone bothers me." she joked.

"when's your football game, ev?" gabby asked, ruffling her hands through his hair. evan looked almost irritated. "sometime next week. coach said maybe on monday." evan answered the girl.

"we'll be there." jess smiled kindly before linking arms with valentina and walking off, to leave gabby and evan alone.

once the girls left, evan stepped back from gabby. "what are you doing? you know about the bet with valentina, you doing this shit to me is gonna make her not want me— she doesn't want me as it is. this isn't helping." evan jeered.

"sorry that i like you, evan. i've liked you since freshman year, i can't help it anymore. i know you liked valentina too back then, but— she will never like you the same way i do." gabby warned.

"i don't like you, gabby. and i don't want her to like me, but i have to want her to." evan told. "you're gonna regret it." gabby smirked. "regret what?" he asked, puzzled.

"choosing her over me. you'll realize that she doesn't even truly like you. she just wants to hurt you and get back at you for us not helping her last year." gabby replied quicjly before shoulder checking him as she passed by and left to another room.

evan saw valentina and jess getting themselves shots and downing them together, both grimacing at the intense bitterness and then laughing it off.

sooner or later, he would have to make a move. he had to start making more of an effort to get her to like him. he had to accomplish this before the prom which was in the next two weeks.

jess looked at valentina, seeing how happy she was. she started to overthink the bet. she knew that once valentina found out about jess knowing about the bet— and well, the whole bet alone, that valentina would never forgive her, that she'd be pissed all over again.

"hey, promise me we'll always be friends no matter what?" jess asked after finishing a shot. "of course, jess. you showed me what a platonic soulmate is, i love you for that, you know?" valentina nodded in reassurance. jess smiled and nodded back.

a boy who was walking past them had attempted to grope valentina's ass, but jess shoved him away the second he squeezed her.

valentina jerked around in shock, staggering back and backing into evan. she turned around and glanced at him apologetically. they both looked over to jess and the arguing boy.

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