First day of School

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Ashley (4yo)

Today is an important day for Ashley, Jay and Will had been talking to her about this day, hoping that it wouldn't be too hard for her. That morning Jay was the first one to get up and woke up Ashley.
Jay: Wake up sweetie. It's school day
Me: I don't want to wake up
Jay: Come on, bumblebee you'll meet your new friends there

Jay got up from the bed and went to get Ashley's uniform, he helped her change her pjs and then took her to the bathroom to wash her face, a few minutes later they went downstairs and went to the kitchen where Will had the breakfast ready

Will: Good morning munchkin, are you ready for your first day?- he gave her a kiss on her head
Me: Are you guys gonna take me to school?
Jay: Yeah, it's special day
Will: Eat your breakfast I'm gonna do your hair.

After 10 min, Will gave Ashley her backpack and the siblings headed to Jay's truck, Will blucked her in the carseat and a couple of minutes later, Jay was driving to Ashley's school. When they arrived to the school, there were children crying and that scared Ashley who held on to her brothers' hands a little tighter. They continued walking until one of the teachers approached them.

xx: Hi, good morning. I'm Mrs. Shyden, Can you give me the name and grade of this sweet girl
Jay: Morning,  Ashley Halstead, prek 4
Ms: Oh, she will be my student. Hi sweetheart I'm gonna be your teacher
Ashley hugged Jay and hid behind his leg.
Jay: It's okay sweetie, she's gonna take care of you and gonna teach you a lot of fun things
Ms: Come with me darling I'll show you the classroom and your new friends
Ashley shook her head.
Will: Can we get a few minutes to talk to her?
Ms: Sure, don't worry class starts in 10 mins, take the time she needs
Jay: Thanks, ma'am
Will: Hey sunshine what is it?
Me: I don't want to be here, please don't leave me here. I want to stay with you - tears began to come out of his eyes
Jay: But school is fun sweetie you will meet new friends
Me: I don't want friends, I want you...both - she hugged Will's neck and he carried her to calm her down
Will: But we need to go to work munchkin....
Me: Please I want to stay with youJay: I'm sorry bumblebee

The teacher approached informing them that she had to go into her classroom and Will put Ashley down, at that moment the little girl began to cry more.

Ms. Shyden: Don't you worry it's normal that kids cry on their first day, she'll be okay
Will: Thank you.

The two brothers headed to the exit of the building listening to Ashley's screams and cries of their little sister.  A few seconds later Ashley ran to his brother Jay and clung to his arms. Jay sighed looking at the teacher
Jay: We'll try another day, sorry Ms. Shyden
Ms: Sure, take the time she needs.
Will: Thank you

Jay carried his little sister and the siblings got into the truck, they took Will to Med so he can start his shift and then Jay and Ashley went to the district. Jay carried Ashley up and she buried her face in his neck, he walked inside and greeted Trudy

Jay: Morning Sarge
Trudy: Morning chuckles. What happened?- She pointed her head at Ashley
Jay: We'll try another day. You wanna say hi to Trudy sweetie?
Me: Hi- she hugged Jay's neck again
Trudy: Hi mini chuckles. Let me buzz you up
Jay: Thank you

They both got upstairs and everyone was surprised to see Ashley there in her first day of school.

Adam: Hey bunnybug what happened with school day?- He took Ashley out of Jay's arms and carried her into his arms.
Me: I don't like there. I want to stay with my brothers- she said sadly
Adam: It's okay
Hailey: Hey honey, do you want to take a nap in the breakroom?- Ashley nodded, Adam took her and laid her down on the couch, give her a pillow and a blanket.

Jay looked frustrated and worried.

Hank: Halstead, my office
He entered to his office and closed the door
Hank: Talk to me Jay: I'm worry about her. I know first day school are rough for some kids but Ashley already went through a lot I don't want to put more trauma in her young life.
Hank: Give her time, she is very attached to you two.
Jay: Yeah, we'll try tomorrow
Hank: Whatever you need let me know
Jay: Thank you Sarge

Jay got back to his desk to start working on the new case. A few hours later Ashley woke up and went to his brother. Mouse brought her lunch, a couple of hours later, Adam and Kevin played with Ashley for a little bit, then the girls were planning a spa night with her.

Ashley was coloring bluey draws that Kim printed her, she also put together a puzzle, and a couple of minutes later. Will arrived to the district to pick her up and take her home since it's a long shift for Jay today. Once they got home, Will made his way to the kitchen and started to make some dinner. When dinner was ready Ashley sat down in the dinning room. Minutes later they both were eating dinner and Will wanted to talk to her to see if he can convince her to go to school tomorrow.

Will: Hey listen munchkin I have a deal for you
Me: What?- she said curiously
Will: If you go to school tomorrow, I'll take you for an icecream, and to the playground in the evening. How does it sounds?
Me: But I don't like school. I like to be with you or Jay
Will: Give it a chance, school is fun. Jay and I have to work it's better for us to know that you're learning, playing, making new friends than being alone in a room. Can you promise me that you're gonna try at least?
Me: Promise...- she doubted about that answer

They watched a hockey game but before the game ended Ashley was deeply asleep, so when the game was over, Will took his little sister to his room and then laid down with her. Jay arrived home an hour later to see his siblings asleep, he went to his room and fell asleep in his bed. 


Well another chapter is here and I wanted to share with you that I'm so happy I'm gonna meet Nick Gehlfuss for the first time in September. Last year he had to cancel his appearence due to the writers/actors strike so I hope this year is my year. I hope you guys have a great week, stay warm if you're in a cold city right now. 

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