| Prologue |

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"Leona." I hear someone whisper. "Leona over here." Looking in the direction the voice came from.

I see Bellamy calling my name, "Why are you whispering?" I chuckle, "What, you got a secret I don't Know about."

I walk down the hall at a fast pace to see Bellamy slightly hidden behind a hallway, I smile up at him, wondering why he's being so suspicious. " So, Bellamy, what can I do for you?" I ask out of curiosity.

Bellamy look slightly nervous, but I couldn't figure out why, as he started speaking I zoned back into the conversation. "I'm going down to the ground with the 100 for my sister." He rushes out.

My eye widen in surprise and I can tell by my reaction he gets even more nervous. I begin to speak, "What the hel-, he cuts me off,  "Lee, it gets worse, I was only able to go because I was made an offer by Commander Shumway to kill Chancellor Jaha." He finishes.

My eyes widen even more, "What do you mean-, he cuts me off again, "and I already shot Jaha
and they're boarding the 100 right now and I want you to come with me." he rushes out, breathing heavily.

I don't even know what to say, I'm in shock right now. I was surprised he had enough guts to actually kill Jaha but it was kinda cool if you think about it, I thought about going to the ground for a bit, it would be a big risk but at least I would be with my best friend.

Nodding my head, I agreed. "Yeah, I'll come with you. When do we leave?" I say. Feeling my chest speed up a bit.

Bellamy grabbed my arm, pulling me down the hall, turning corners till we got to his room. "We have to go now, i'm gonna have to put some handcuffs on you because they need to think you're one of the 100."

I chuckle, "OK. Well then cuff me so we can get this show on the road." I said, putting my hands out in front of him.

He grabbed the handcuffs and put them on my wrist. "Lee, we have to make sure no one see these cuffs on your hands because these aren't the same set of handcuffs used for the 100 and if they see you don't have the same cuff, we'll be in trouble."

I feel slightly nervous, but I shake it off as we were walking out the door as we're walking we start to hear the commotion of all the kids yelling and the guards cuffing them.

As we pass a girl with blonde, she looks at me for a split second before my head is pushed downward by Bellamy. It becomes dark as we entered the ship.

All I can hear are the voices of confused teenagers wondering what's happening, Bellamy walks me over to a wall next to a Korean looking boy with brown hair and another boy with goggles on top of his head.

Bellamy whispers while strapping me into the seat, "Lee, keep your head down until those ship doors close, got it."

I nodded with a small smile, "I got it bell go find Octavia."

He smiles for a split second before going in the other direction.

After a couple seconds of silence a video pops up on the screen of a face, it took a couple of seconds before a realization came over me that it was Chancellor jaha.

"Hey!" I here the boy with the goggles on his head call out for me. I look at him before speaking.

"Hi." I say before looking at the other and saying the same thing.

"You're Leona Kane you're not supposed to be here, how did you get on here." The boy with the goggles says.

I shrugged, "Its quite a long story and I don't know either of you, so you'll just have to figure it out on your own." I ended with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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