Oc info stuff idk im bored guys 😔

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So this little goober is ermm my BEN arg oc and I wanna post info of her on here because I can lmao anways-

So this little goober is ermm my BEN arg oc and I wanna post info of her on here because I can lmao anways-

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Jean Amanda Anderson

-14 years old during her storyline but recently turned 15 before her death

-Goes on to take over the character skull kid as a vessel after her ascension


-Allergic to chocolate (the coca beans used to make it to be more specific)

-Hello Kitty fangirl (And only Hello kitty she couldn't give two damns about the other Sanrio characters)

-Has a southern accent that gets Heavy depending on her tone of voice

-Her and BEN got like this friend/enemies type thing going on

-Her story has to involve trying to piece together the dissaperence of Benjamin and was really close to solving the case before dying

-She actually unknowingly has very close ties to the moon children involving her family

-Speaking of the moon children where do we start with the fact that she's apparently supposed to bring forth a second coming of Luna?

-She likes hunting deer and eating the organs (how's she's not dead from this? I have no idea)

-She's like that one neighbor kid your mom tells you to go play with that you don't want to play with

-She bites (probably has rabies idk)

-Will fist fight anything being remotely dangerous and have no regrets

-She's a little stupid give her a minute guys

-"Fight or flight what's that? I only know fight"

-Stare into her soulless green eyes and you will find absolutely no thought behind them

-I actually refrence her to be the first victim BEN mentioned having before jadusable in TheTruth.rtf 

-Has a small friend ground that she gets into shenanigans with (they call their selves the star Gang lmao)

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-Has a small friend ground that she gets into shenanigans with (they call their selves the star Gang lmao)

-She lives with her brother (Her mom died and She has no clue who the hell her dad is *cough* *cough* Abel *cough* *cough*)

-likes to randomly scream in quiet rooms

-She's not stuck with BEN...BEN is stuck with her

Ermmm anyways that's all I got lmao feel free to bully me for my cringe ahh oc lol

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