Abel Headcanons

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I headcanon him to look like this He's so silly I love him so much he's literally my little meow meow 😍 anyways

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I headcanon him to look like this He's so silly I love him so much he's literally my little meow meow 😍 anyways

-His full name is Abel Henry Anderson

-He is in his mid to late 30's

-Giant computer nerd

-Loves snack cakes (his favorites are twinkies and honeybuns)

-Lives off nothing but caffeine, sugary sweets, and microwave dinners

-is a Huge bear hugger

-He acts like he's tough shit but he's actually really soft and pathetic

-He's allergic to chocolate (more specifically the coca beans used to make chocolate)

-Fidgets and twitches alot

-Socially awkward

-He has a southern accent I don't care if he doesn't sound southern in the canon arg I want him to sound like a silly cowboy God damn it

-Is divorced and has 2 kids he's literally hasn't seen in like almost 12 years (This has to do with my Au lore lmao)

-Loves classic NES and SEGA games and actually owns many of the classic consoles

-Him and Kelbris kinda got a canon FNAF William and Henry thing going on

-Loves making cheesy puns

-Is the laughing joke of the eternal project group even though he was the one to discover how to make a living breathing Hivemind with the souls of others

-Actually despises BEN and wishes he could delete them from existence

-he literally can't talk to women to save his life like this poor man has no game once so ever since the divorce,someone give this man another chance :(

-Has a rock collection (I too have a rock collection :D)

BEN arg silliness (Headcanons and Art)Where stories live. Discover now