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(3rd pov, Juicy overachieving moment, the boys pov)

Mully had just cooked lunch and it looked amazing.

He cooked some grilled cheese sandwiches, his had Vegemite on it, same as Josh's, Eddie wanted ham, but they didn't have any left, so he just had cheese, and Narrator was the one that used the last of the ham.

Juicy hadn't answered Mullys message or call for spesifics on what he wanted, nor had he answered his door.

So they assumed he was asleep or busy.

(They have food and watch movie, they cook dinner, Juicy won't respond, there worried but leave him alone, the next morning the cook a big breakfast and go get Juicy out of his room)


(This is set to the conjuring video except its if Juicy went in the spirit box)

"I dont want to go on the Estes." Eddie was walking through the kitchen, he had just eaten some of the girls pizza and didn't feel like having a go with the Estes method.

"But Eddieee, pleeasseee, your the scary one here!" Mully sat with the Annabelle doll eating a slice of pizza.

"No way, Mexicans don't fuck with that shit!" Eddie did not want to have a go, and Mully just kept pushing.

"Please Mr Mexorcist!" Mully was jokingly begging on the floor, his arms a towards Eddie.

"Mullen I'm not jokingly, I don't want to." Eddie stood up from the dining room table.

"Sorry dude, you don't have too, Kev, cut the cameras. We can edit out us telling him to do it right?" Mully felt oddly guilty, but he also didn't want Eddie to be seen as a coward for not wanting to do the Estes.

Kevin cut the Camera and placed it on the table, "Yeah. Fuck man, my hands are sore, any pizza left?"

Dose walked in and grabbed a slice "Yeah, here. And Mully I'm not editing that much out, it'll take to long, we could change one word though to make it another easier."

Kevin grabbed a slice.

"You mean have a different boy do the Estes?" Eddie sat back down.

"That would work actually, Juicy was asking Narrator earlier if he could have the next go, but he said no thinking you would have a go." Mully stands up proud of his memory.

"Soo nwow we jus' habe 'o ask Gaege o 'o hea Estes" Kevin says with a mouth full of Pizza.

"I don't like the fact I understood what you said, hahaaha." Eddie says sitting there with a weird face on, yet smiling.

"Why did I hear my name?" Juicy walks in the room, Grant a bit behind him.

"Well Eddie doesn't wanna do the Estes so we were wondering if you would do it." Mully says grinning at the 2 who entered the room.

"FUCK YEAH!!! You didn't even have to ask!"
Juicy did a little dance, pumping his.fists in the hair and stomping his feet.

William, Josh and Eddie laugh from the table, Grant smiling behind Gaege.

Josh stood up and walked to Juicy, ruffling his hair and standing beside him. "Alrighty then. I'm gonna go set up in the basement, it'll problem only take a few minutes or so."

"'ight, if you need any help just shout" Mully says, putting 2 fingers up in a salute at him.

"Actually, did we clean the library back up?"
Eddie says thinking about the book Mully through at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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