Sam decided to observe the random bald girl to try and get a better read from her. All she noticed, though, was that when a louder, clap of thunder bellowed, the random bald girl screwed her eyes shut and flinched as if she were afraid — as if she were somewhere else for a second.

Before Sam could ask the random bald girl if she was okay, Mike returned to the group. This time, he was holding a navy blue sweatshirt and grey sweatpants folded in his hands.

"Here," Mike held out the clothes for the random bald girl to take. "These are clean. Okay?"

Tentatively, the random bald girl grabbed the clothes from Mike's outstretched hand. Sam, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin watched as she (?) felt the clothes with her cheek (?). Then, she shrugged off Mike's beige-colored jacket. Next thing they knew, the random bald girl was standing up, grabbing the bottom of her Benny's Burgers shirt, and trying to pull it off. Right there. Right in front of them.

Sam lurched forward in a panic as all three of the boys shielded their eyes. "No, no, no!" she shouted.

The boys chorused in a series of disgusted and horrified curses. Sam made sure the random bald girl removed her hands from peeling her only layer of clothing off.

Behind her, Sam noted Lucas, Mike, and Dustin had their backs facing the random bald girl. Dustin was repeating, "Oh, my god! Oh, my god," over and over again. But luckily, Sam stopped the random bald girl from getting naked just in time. She sighed in relief.

Sam pointed to the other side of the basement, where another door was. "See that over there?" she asked the random bald girl, trying to hide the stress she was feeling over what just almost happened. "Th-That's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?"

The random bald girl didn't seem to like Sam very much. Sam couldn't help but noticed there was a particular terror in her features when green eyes met brown. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Why is the random bald girl afraid of Sam?

But Sam didn't dwell on it, because the random bald girl was already picking up the clothes again and heading off to where Sam directed her. Breathing out heavily, Sam finally made eye contact with the boys again. Like Dustin had said, oh, my god.

Sam shared a look with Mike, nodding towards the bathroom. He got the hint and followed the random bald girl along.

"Sam," Lucas had said, the second Mike and the random bald girl were out of earshot. He didn't say the words, but again, Sam heard the oh, my god implications.

"I know," she nodded stiffly. "I know."

It was only about a minute before Mike returned again, with the same unsure look on his face he's had since they snuck the random bald girl in.

"Well, good news," Mike started, breathing out through his nose. "She can speak."

Sam furrowed her eyebrows. "She can?" she asked, disbelief lacing her tone.

"Yeah, I was like, 'You don't want the door closed?' and she was like 'No.' And then when I said, 'Is that better?' she said, 'Yes.'"

"Oh, well, hallelujah," Sam scoffed sarcastically. She didn't mean for anyone to hear, but Lucas snorted right next to Sam. It made her relieved for the first time this evening.

Dustin shook his head back and forth, somehow both harboring a smile and a disturbed frown. "This is mental," he commented.

"At least she can talk!" Mike added, positively.

"She said, 'no,' and, 'yes.' Your three-year-old sister says more," Lucas shot him down, face furrowed incredulously.

"She tried to get naked," Dustin reminded them.

The Long Game━ (l. sinclair)Where stories live. Discover now