16| 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐

Începe de la început

Izzy then collects herself trying her best to ignore Kai and looks over at me with a cold stare.

"We're not here for you Brent, mind your damn business", Carter spits out in disgust whilst glaring at Kai.

"If you're here for my girl then by fucking default your here for me too", he says taking a menacing step forward already ready to pounce.

"oh my God", Sierra says.

"Your girl?!", Carter exclaims.

"So it's true", Rick says amusingly with a disgusted look hand covered over his overly chapped lips.

They all ignore Kai shifting their gazes over to me.

"Please, Summer tell me- NO tell us it's not true", Izzy says tears collecting in her eyes.

Here comes the dramatics, it was always like this with Izzy. Some things just don't change.

Still, I was confused by their reactions, I mean I know Kai has beef with them but how bad was it to prompt literal tears from Izzy and have the rest of them absolutely fuming? There was something else going on here underneath the surface, not to sound like a detective or anything but I was ready to solve whatever it was.

"What's wrong with Kai? What's the matter You all don't like my new boyfriend or do you want a review or something" I say sarcasm laced into every word coming out of my mouth.

"What, a review? are you ok in the head!?", Carter says his eyes flaring up from him being visibly the angriest.

"yes a review don't you know what a review is, I give Kai five stars. Do you get it now", I say rolling my eyes.

"unbelievable", Sierra mutters.

"what was that Sierra?", I ask nonchalantly.

"she said-", Rick starts before I cut him off.

"I wasn't asking you hoe", I say making him even more angry.

He opens his mouth to probably yell and start some more shit before Sierra cuts him off again speaking up.

"I said UNBELIEVABLE", Sierra yells making us all silent.

I stare at her waiting for something anything, for some reason, I feel myself still holding on to the hope of Sierra having my back like the old times and her snapping out of this crazy trance she's is in but with the look on her face and the tone of her voice I know that possibility is long gone.

"After what you did to Izzy you have no right to even talk to us like this. She was completely relieved when you fell into that coma and to be honest, we all were too.", she says holding vibrant intensity in her eyes.

I hear Kai scoff in disbelief about to say something back to her but I tap him making him get the message.

"Kai let me handle this", I say making Carter roll his eyes.

I can't right now I'm taken aback by her words. Of all people never in a million years did I picture this moment happening right now. I almost tear up but I feel Kai squeezing my hand and my newfound pride causes me to swallow them back down.

Although the harsh words she said didn't bother me as much as the accusation thrown at me. What the hell did I do to Izzy? Things weren't adding up and I didn't like it one bit.

"What did I do to Izzy?", I ask patiently genuinely curious.

I swear it was like the calm right before the storm.

"Wow! Are you serious now you pretend not even to know. Summer stop this shit right the fuck now", Sierra yells her side characters Demi and Mia nodding along.

I look at Izzy her eyes nervous. Nothing is fucking adding up.

I run my hands through my hair in frustration and walk closer to Sierra to the point where we're face to face.

Sierra was always the firecracker in our group and I was bubbly so we balanced each other out but right now in this moment, the tension was the worst thing ever. It was like a crossover of two different highly reactive chemicals.

I shake my head before going to the real person of interest. Izzy

but before I could even step in front of her Sierra, Demi, and Mia barricaded themselves in front of her.

"Don't even think about going near her, you lost that right a while ago", Sierra says her eyes filled with pure malice.

"and it's Isabelle to you", Sierra adds.

The pain I feel is one I wouldn't wish on most. It was like a slap to the face.

I step back assessing them all.

"You know what, you all, and your delusions are not even worth a second of my life. Go ahead and ask Isabelle what I did, and make sure she explains it in detail with the right evidence to back it up because the way she looks right now isn't backing up any of the claims you all just threw at me", I say my voice shaking from anger.

even Kai's hands aren't enough comfort.

their eyes dart to Isabelle for a moment before returning to their angry state focusing on me.

"fuck you all", I say turning my back on them.

with that notion I walk away but once I do the tears quickly reappear in the corners of my eyes.

"You've lost a good fucking thing", Kai says briefly to them turning back before taking my hand but this time walking out the school's courtyard exit.

he drags me gently but quickly

"where are we going?", I ask absentmindedly my shaky voice betraying my strong facade.

"you'll see", he says with that same stupid smirk.

When I see his face it somehow manages to elevate my mood significantly and in that moment I realize Kai Brent isn't so bad after all.


A/N: Wow this was a lot to unpack. Where do you all think Kai is taking her??? and the question on everyone's mind what the HELL DID SHE DO TO IZZY???

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