.4 𝚂𝚎𝚊𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝙱𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗

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"They're looking at us." Grover, Annabeth and Adelaide were standing behind a cop car and next to an ambulance. There were people gathered everywhere. Witnesses, cops, peers. I guess Percy made a dramatic scene falling 630 feet from the air. 

"Yeah." She softly responded. Adelaide was looking around, trying her best to be aware of her surroundings. While off in her own world, looking around, she saw three old ladies that were sitting down on a bench. Immediately she recognized them.

The Fates.

They had thread and were helping each other knit. She was too busy staring she didn't hear Grover say "So we should probably get outta here, don't you think?"

It felt like her heart dropped. She saw Atropos cut the string of thread and look right at her. Oh gods.

"Dude, they're looking right at us." Grover told Adelaide, trying to get her attention.

She snapped out of it. "What?"

Annabeth motioned her hands to the cops and the witness.

"Come on. Let's go find Percy." Adelaide told the two.

"Adelaide-" Annabeth started but was interrupted.

"He's alive Annabeth. I know it." Adelaide stated and the both of them just followed her as she walked away.

All three of the were yelling his name, walking around, desperately trying to find Percy. They turned the corner of the boardwalk and saw Percy hopping over the rail.

"Hi." He said with a cute little wave.

The three were walking up to him while he was saying "Look I'm sorry for shoving you into the stairwell. Even hearing myself say that sounds bad, I just knew you would never agree and-" he was interrupted when Adelaide rushed up to him and hugged him. He was drenched and her close soaked up some of the water. Ugh. But in that moment all she cared about was him.

"Oh my gods there's something seriously wrong with you." She whispered

He softly hugged back a little confused but felt okay for the most part. They broke apart and stood next to the other two. Grover and Annabeth just stared.

"So you're not as dead as we thought you'd be." Annabeth told him, crossing her arms.

"Suprise." Percy told them looking down at the girl next to him.

"What happened?" Grover asked, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Short version, we need to go to Santa Monica." He responded

"What like now?" Grover exclaimed and Annabeth just raised her eyebrows.

"My father's gonna meet me there. He's gonna help us."

Adelaide furrowed her eyebrows when he said that.

"Okay uh, just one problem with this plan." Grover said.


"The police think that we crashed an Amtrak train and then did that." Annabeth told him and pointed to the Arch with smoke coming out of it.

"Th- The cops are after us?" Percy asked in disbelief.

"Mhmm." Adelaide said and took a sip of the Caprisun in her hand.

The three of them just looked at her.

"Where did. Where did you even get that?" Grover asked.

"The nice officer guy gave it to me." She responded.

"You know what I don't even wanna know how u convinced him." Annabeth lightly laughed.

"I'm just going to ignore the fact that she randomly has a juice pouch and get to the obvious problem here. Isn't that gonna make it hard for us to get on the train. Or a bus? Or anything we need tickets for?" Percy asked.

Adelaide • Disney+ Percy Jackson Series Where stories live. Discover now