What happened? 💛💚

Start from the beginning

Yellow looked at Green again, who nodded. He sighed.

"Well, it's kind of a long story-" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Long story short, we were chasing this guy, and he went into this building." Green started the story for him. "Me and Yellow went after him and tried to find him-"

"While Red, Blue, and I searched around the area to make sure he didn't escape." Second sat up, now fully awake.

"Turns out it was a trap." Green grimaced.

Blue entered again and sat down by his twin brother.

"There was a bomb inside the building." Yellow clenched his fists and Red hugged Rueben tighter.

"WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!" Green screamed as he shoved Yellow through a door~

Purple's heart dropped. She almost dreaded to hear what happened next, but also really wanted to know. 

"The whole thing blew up-" Blue's voice trailed off as he gained a very distant look. He shuddered, as if remembering that day.

"YELLOW!" Blue screamed, launching himself towards the explosion. Second grabbed him and embraced him, keeping him from running in to his death. Blue screamed again, tears streaming down his face~

"After we calmed Blue down, I tried to make my way through the flames in hopes of finding Green and Yellow. I went as far into the building as I could, screaming their names the whole time, but there was no response." Second continued, rubbing Green's shoulder passionately. "Eventually the flames forced me to turn back and all I could do was hope that somehow they made their way out."

"All I remember is trying to shove Yellow out of the way before getting hit by something." Green chuckled, as if trying to lighten the mood.

"I remember fire. So much fire." Yellow took a shaky breath as Blue rubbed his back softly. "I tried to get up and run, but I couldn't. I realized that I was trapped under a bunch of burning debris. It was my leg-" He paused and rubbed his prosthetic leg.

Yellow looked around frantically, trying to figure out where he was. Smoke filled his lungs and he coughed violently. He tried to get up but he realized his leg was stuck underneath some fallen debris. He tried to pull his leg out, but he soon stopped as pain shot up his leg. It was broken~

Yellow continued.

"I knew my leg was broken and I wasn't able to set it free. I called out for Green but he never answered. That's when I spotted him through the smoke." His voice cracked and Green gave him a reassuring look.

"Apparently I was unconscious." Green spoke up.

"Unconscious?! I thought you were dead!" Yellow looked at him seriously.

"Turns out Green got hit by something falling and got a really bad concussion. He was in a coma for almost three days. He had a bit of memory loss and also had trouble with speech for a while, but with Red's help he was soon back to his old self." Blue's calm voice added.

"Oh... is that why you're now deaf in one ear?" Purple asked curiously.

Green rubbed the back of his neck. "Yup."

"Suddenly the fire started spreading even more, and I knew that I had to get Green and I to safety." Yellow continued. "I knew I wouldn't be able to get my leg out from underneath the rubble in time. It was severely broken and the fire was spreading closer to Green by the seconds. I was running out of options when I remembered I happened to have a knife  with me... and after trying to gain enough courage to, well-"

"Wait. You cut off your own leg?!" Purple jumped up in horror, scaring poor Rueben.

"Surprise..." Yellow chuckled nervously, a tear running down his cheek.

"Bro... not cool. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. That must have been horrifying!" Purple sat down beside him and hugged him tightly.

Yellow sniffed. "Eh. It hurt at first, but I was too focused on getting Green out of there to notice. And if cutting my leg off meant saving my brother's life, I would do it again in a heartbeat." He smiled at Green, tears still flowing down his face.

Green immediately hugged his younger brother, holding him tightly. "I love you so much, you scrawny nerd."

Yellow chuckled at that, laying his head on his brother's shoulder.

"So, how did you guys get out?" Purple asked, bringing them back to their main topic.

" I actually have no idea." Yellow scratched his head.

"Yeah. We found both of them unconscious about couple yards away from the ruins. Yellow must have somehow dragged Green out." Second noted.

"I found them! They're over here!" Red yelled.
He dropped down and checked Green's pulse. He was alive!
He turned towards Yellow's limp body as he heard footsteps running up behind him~

"Green had a huge gash on his face, which we were able to patch up." Blue continued.

Green chuckled. "Yeah. Thankfully it healed over. Don't wanna ruin this beautiful work of art."

He smirked and Second hit him with a pillow.

"Yellow one the other hand, had lost a ton of blood-" Blue rubbed his arm.

"Yellow?" Red checked pulse as Blue dropped down beside him.
He was so pale and his pulse was very weak. Then, to his horror, he realized his brother was missing a leg. He heard a sob escape from Blue's mouth as Blue cradled his twin brother's head~

"We didn't think he was going to make it. He was just too weak..." Blue bit his lip, trying to keep back stray tears. "He was like that for almost a month. There were so many times where we thought he was gone, but somehow he kept on breathing. He was a fighter." Blue rubbed Yellow's shoulder, smiling at him.

"Eventually he slowly started to gain his strength back. That was when we knew he was gonna be okay. And here we are now." Second finished.

They all sat in silence for a bit. Purple and Red both petted Rueben quietly, while Blue, Yellow, Second, and Green all cuddled closer on the couch.

"Wow..." Purple broke the silence. "That was a lot deeper than I thought it would be."

Yellow chuckled. "I warned you."


I have no idea why I wrote this, I just felt like it. Hope y'all enjoy the angst!! :3  

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