AvA VI - Ep 3 Part 2

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This will hopefully be longer than the last one. Enjoy the drama! 
(I'm not good with authors notes. I don't know what to say 😅)

Warning - Blood, violence, trauma

Green crashed into the bars again. He backed up breathing heavily.
He rammed into the metal bars again, mumbling inaudibly.
"It's no use Green," Blue whispered hoarsely, his face stained with tears.
Red snuggled in closer to his older brother as Blue hugged him reassuringly.
Green ignored him.
"Gotta," Bang! "Find a," Bang! "Way out!"
He staggered back a minute, trying to catch his breath.
"Gotta. Help. The Nerd." He said in between gasps.
A tear slid down his cheek as he slumped to the floor.
Blue leaned Red up against the wall and hesitantly scooted towards the slumped figure, reaching a hand out to touch his shoulder. Green flinched and moved away.
"Green..." Blue wrapped Green in a hug.
Green's voice quivered as he spoke.
"Please stop. It hurts..." He rubbed his shoulder, tears now falling freely.
It broke Blue to see his older like this. Green almost never cried. Green was always the last one standing. Getting him to back down is like trying to break through a stonewall with a plastic straw. He was always the one who kept them moving. He was the one who pushed them on, whether it be with encouragement or brute force.
He never gave up...
Blue immediately turned his brothers around and, taking off his jacket, he examined his shoulder. He felt it carefully, checking for any drastic damage. Green squirmed in protest.
"Hold still. I need to make sure you're okay. You shouldn't have been throwing yourself in the wall."
"I shouldn't have thrown myself like an idiot into the hands of those clowns. We probably wouldn't be here right now I may have been able to save Yellow..." He hissed in response.
"Come on. We need to stop talking about what we shouldn't have done, but rather what we should do now." Blue rubbed his back softly.
He let Green have some silence before securing his wounded shoulder with a makeshift sling, made out of Green's jacket.
"There. This will work for now. You need to try and not move it too much."
Green remained silent, looking at the ground.
"Is Green okay?" Red's smaller voice piped up, barely above a whisper.
Blue could hear a shuffling sound as Red moved closer and Blue wrapped a reassuring arm around his little brother.
"He'll be alright. He just bruised up his shoulder."
"Okay..." Red sniffed.
He then laid his head on Green's good shoulder.
"It's gonna be alright," He said, hope filling his voice as he hugged his brother.
"I hope you're right." Green sighed.
Blue wrapped both his brothers in a warm hug.
"I know he's right."
It seemed like he had convinced his siblings, giving them some sort of confidence. Yet Blue had a hard time convincing himself. A single tear slid down his cheek.
"Wherever you are, Yellow, I hope you're okay." He whispered to himself almost silently.

You just have to be okay...


Yellow was suddenly doused with ice-cold water. He jolted awake, the shock leaving him slightly winded. He coughed, trying to figure out where he was.
Oh right. He'd been captured by the world's biggest losers.
When did I fall asleep? Did I pass out? I don't remember falling asleep. How long have I been here?
Questions filled his mind, yet his memory was too foggy to think clearly. He was so tired. Yellow was used to no sleep, but this? This was ridiculous. And this idiot didn't help any.
It was getting really hard to keep from shivering. Yellow shot a deadly glare at the stick responsible for him being drenched and freezing.
The stick was tall. He stood about a head taller than Second. His shaded glasses hid his eyes, a menacing grin spread across his face. Yellow mentally labeled him as a threat. He would have to be cautious.
"What do you want, Pervert?" He growled.
Yellow couldn't help it. That was the first thing that came to his mind.
So much for being cautious.
"I want answers." The stick figure snapped.
"So do I," Yellow snapped back without hesitation.
He immediately regretted his sarcastic response as the stick figure smacked him hard against the face. Then again, Yellow regretted most of his decisions life. He had always acted on impulse, tending to speak his mind. Blue had always said he had been born without a filter.
Yellow shook his head. He couldn't get distracted with thoughts, even though it was becoming harder and harder to do so. He was so tired. He didn't even notice that the chains had been removed. All he wanted to do was curl up and sleep for months. His numb arms ached and his face now stung.
He lowered his head and bit his lip, trying to hold back tears.
"That's enough Agent. You can have your fun soon." A deeper voice commanded.
Yellow kept his eyes glued to the ground, too tired to care who had entered the room. But that didn't last for very long as someone suddenly grabbed his hair violently and forced him to look up. Yellow winced at the sudden movement, his body pleading for him to rest.
Yellow's heart skipped a beat when he saw who had almost broke his neck.
The stick figure standing above him looked a lot Second. Except he was a very dull grey color. In way he looked a bit more like Chosen, just a little bit shorter. Yellow made some mental notes, the gears in his mind a bit rusty, but still able to run.
Maybe he's related? Like, a distant cousin? Or possibly even closer, like a long lost brother-
His train of thought was immediately interrupted as the two sticks locked eyes, Yellow's ocean blue eyes with the Stranger's icy grey eyes.
Yellow shivered as the stick figure's pale eyes not just looked at him, but looked through him. It was as if he was studying all his thoughts.
All his weaknesses.
Yellow gritted his teeth in pain as the grey stick yanked his head back farther, squinting from the white light shining above. He watched as the stick pulled out a paper with a familiar picture on it.
Yellow's heart stopped.
Alan's cursor...
"Where is Noogai3?" His deep voice broke the silence.
"Where are my f-friends?" Yellow couldn't keep his voice from trembling and was now shivering terribly.
'Stranger' answered his question by kicking him hard in the gut. Yellow fell backward and hit the wall hard, coughing violently and severely winded. He buckled over in pain as a metallic tasting liquid filled his mouth. He coughed again, and his face paled as blood spattered all over the floor. The taller stick figure grabbed him by the hair again and practically lifted him off the ground, repeating his question.
Yellow stayed silent, tears starting to flow down his face.
Stranger let go of him and nodded at Agent who cracked his knuckles.
Yellow tried to curl up in a protective ball, silently calling for his brothers as Agent approached him.


Second curled up tighter, now completely by himself.
All alone... in a small, dark space...
He cried softly, feeling as if he were suffocating. As if he were drowning.
Drowning in darkness...
He couldn't take it anymore. It was too tight. Not enough room. He couldn't even turn around.
Walls, closing in everywhere...
Chosen... please help...


Tada!! It's finally done!! :D
I started this a while ago, but my original one accidentally got deleted, so I had to go back and literally rewrite it. I cried.
But here we are!
I survived! (Barely XD)
I'm going to start working on part three soon, hopefully next week. In the meantime, I'm going to work on some of the requests ya'll put in, so keep an eye out for those!
Tysm for reading!! Ya'll don't know how much it means to me. Seeing that people actually read this fills me with so much joy! I've never been very good at writing, and I'm using this as an opportunity to get better! Hopefully I will keep improving as I write more and more one shots.
Anyways. Enough about me.
Hope ya'll enjoy this!! You guys are awesome! <3 <3

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