Another dimension

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Seeing Miles in this dimension has me on edge. I have to get him home, if not he could disappear forever and we won't be able to save his family. I can't let this happen, not this time.... Anyways, I grab some more bandages and tuck them into my bookbag. " I know this place under the railroad tracks that we can go to. There are machines and stuff that have been just laying around or that I collected over the years. If we can use it, we can get into contact with Peter and the others. They'll know what to do." I grab some water and snacks from my mini fridge beside my bed. " You have a hide out? Cool." He falls to the floor, glitching and clutching the wall. " Miles!" I run over to him and help him to his feet. " I'm fine, I just need to get home." I hand him an old jacket that was giving to me by Michael years ago. " Put this on, we cannot be seen. The curfew has been set, so we shouldn't be out." He nods and throws on the jacket, hiding his suit. 

We hop out the window and head to the railroads. We pass multiple buildings and dark alley's, trying our best to avoid brightly lit places and police cars. We finally make it to the tracks. No police car in- site.

I lead Miles down an abandoned track that leads to a secret room where rich people used do illegal gambling and dog fights. " This is it?" He asks, a bit of disgust in his voice. I roll my eyes and lead him over to the back of the room. I tap the middle light switch, then the left and out opens an elevator door. " Wow! this is so cool! It's like having your own lair." I laugh, Miles has always been the energetic one. " Come on." We get into the elevator and it takes us up a floor to my hide-out.

I open the gate, and cut on the lights. " Welcome to mi casa compa." The lights come on revealing a medium sized room, with a small tv, an old couch, a small kitchen area and a small dining room. On the counter, laid multiple gadgets that I could never find the pieces two or old junk that I collected and sold to people around the neighborhood. The place is a bit dusty, due to me not being able to visit it as often, but it still has working power and decent lighting. " where do we start?" Miles asks me.

I draw out my phone and toss it to him. " Is it possible that we can get a message out to peter? If we can then we can ask him to either come to us and get you home, or ask him to use the collider in his dimension to travel over to yours and check up on your family." " Check on my family. No matter what, I need them to be safe. I nod my head. " Okay, well let's get to work."


I sit in my bed, staring at my phone. It has been over hours since Y/N and I lasted texted. Maybe they are asleep? Maybe they are studying for an upcoming test? Maybe. I just hope she is ok. I sigh and sit up, as soon as I do uncle Aaron appears in my doorway. " We gotta role." he says nodding out the door. I nod and walk with him to the rooftop. We stop in front of the mural we painted of my dad. " Theres a shipment coming in tonight. If we can get it and get out, the hospital should be taken care of for another week or so. Not to mention, they'll be having mountains of cash laying in some pile underneath it all. This can help the neighborhood. We just have to find a switch."

I nod, this is a big deal. Brooklyn only gets big shipments like this about five times a year. Tonight is the night. If we don't the hospital can possibly shut down, I can't let that happen. " Let's go." We head over to my Unc's place, where we get dressed and roll out.

We swing through the air, being cautious of any bystanders or police. If we get caught, the city will be on high alert. 

We make it to the docks, where the shipment is suppose to go down. As people carry boxes and load crates, I look down to see the famous Kingpin, clicking his pin and scolding at the workers below. " Work faster! We need everything out by tonight!" He barks. Unc nudges my arm and nods to his right. I look over to see 4 other workers pushing what looks to be a giant wheel? Some sort of tube? I have no idea. It looks pretty important. " Is that also on the list?" I ask. " Yea, but for now the mission is to retrieve the money and medical supplies. " We dap up and head down.

The workers immediately stop working to stare at us. " GET THEM!" King pin yells. In an instant, his hench-men have gapped all sort of weapons from their coast and walls and start shooting. I jump into the air and throw smoke bombs any and everywhere, blinding everyone's view as Unc Aaron digs into the crates and get the money and medics.

I can feel the earth shake beneath me. Is there any earthquake? No. It's Kingpin, he rushes towards me and punches the spot where I was before jumping onto a crate and running in circles. " GET HIM!" I throw a sticky bomb onto one of the ships and press the button. Sparks start flying, as the ship rocks back and forth before it comes crashing down onto the other ship, making water rise onto the dock. 

Unc comes out in time, he hands me the supplies and we zip away. A couple of cops spot us leaving the scene and start chasing us in their cars, shooting their guns and telling us to stop. With nowhere to go, we lead them over to the old railroad tracks and loose them within the tunnels. 

After losing them, we sit down and catch our breathes. Kingpin is on our heels right now. He won't stop until he catches us. Kingpin isn't someone to play with, he is literally like the biggest mob/villain boss that exists! having him gunning for us will set the whole city a blaze. " We can't go out tomorrow night." I tell Uncle Aaron. He nods in agreement.

Suddenly, the ground begins to shake, and the rails on the tracks start to rise. We stand up and stay alert, as footsteps can be heard from the way we came. He slowly make out way down the tunnel, cautious of making any noise. Another shake, this time more violently, then everything falls silent.

We stop mid way, when I see a figure approaching from a different direction, holding some sort of device. We duck and hide behind some trash bags, as the figure starts to form a girl. A girl. Y/N! it's her, what is she doing here? Did she see us? does she know?! Impossible she couldn't know! I look closely at her. Something isn't right. Her hair is messed up, her shirt looks dirty and has some blood on it. She's hurt! She drops the device onto the ground and falls to her knees. 

I start to get up and make sure she is okay, but someone emerges from behind her, in all black. He crawls onto the walls and gets closer to her, not making a sound. he reaches out to touch her arm, I jump out from my hiding spot and grab Y/N. She looks surprised, stunned. "Prowler!" She shrieks. I push her towards the pile of garbage. she lands, with a huge thud onto the trash bags, as Uncle Aaron yells for me to look out! i turn around to see the person lunging at me.

I grab him by the arm and punch him into the wall. The punch was almost powerful enough to break his jaw, but I was mindful of that. He goes limp and falls to the ground, his eyes fluttering close. " Oh MY GOD!" Y/N yells. " Miles!" I freeze in place. She knows?! but how?! I turn around and face her. She gets to her feet and holds her hands out.

Unc grabs her from behind, and sticks a needle full of melatonin into her neck. Her eyes get real big, before fluttering close, as her body goes limp.

" This isn't good." Unc says, slinging Y/N over his left shoulder. " let's go." I turn around and look at the guy. He looks like me? What? How? it is like looking into a mirror, but instead of having braids he as his hair into an afro. My mind starts to spin as I toss him over my shoulder and follow after Uncle Aaron.

Miles G Morales ( Prowler ) X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now