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I run as fast as my legs would take me. I can feel my heart thumping through my ears, as Miles squeezes my hand and pulls me into an ally. We finally stop to catch our breathe, hearing the sirens not to far from where we are. I lean against the wall, my weight gnawing at my legs right now. " We have to keep moving." He says between breathes. I look over at him and shake my head. " I can't. I'm tired Miles. We gotta find somewhere to go. Aqui." He sighs and looks around. " We can head to my place, it's close by. At least until things settle down out here." I agree because there is nothing more for me to do. We start walking to his house, police cars speeding down the road.

Time skip-

We finally make it to his place. It is a dingy apartment complex; but who can blame him? The majority of us live like this. It's the only way for us to have a roof over our heads.

We enter the apartments and walk up three flights pf stairs before we make it to his room. " I don't know if my ma home, but if she is we will just tell her that you didn't feel like staying at the party and needed a ride." I give him a confused look. " Why not just tell her the truth?" He rolls his eyes. " My ma will go loco. just keep this between us kay?" I nod. He push open the door and we head inside. " Miles, mijo ( son ) your home." 

A woman comes to give him a hug and kiss his forehead. She is beautiful. She is light skin and have long flowing curly hair and light brown eyes. She looks over at me and smiles. " Hola. Sorry Miles did not tell me that he was bringing guests over." She shoots him a stern look  before heading back into the kitchen. " Are ya'll hungry? I just made tamales. Por favor va comer. ( come eat ). " Before I can even answer this dude have the audacity to step forward and say " No ma, estamos bien (we good ). We are going to my room. We will leave in about 20 minutes." " Okay, well if you change your minds it is here. Have fun." And she heads to what looks like her room

" What is wrong with you? Why did you speak for me?" I cross my arms and look at him up and down. He rolls his eyes. " Whatever. va." He says dryly. I follow him into his room. It wasn't what I was expecting, but then again.. What was I expecting? 

His room has: two shelves that contain all sorts of books, magazines and rolled up pieces of paper. He has posters of New York Art University, Lil Wayne, and what look to be a detailed drawing of an NBA player dunking a basketball. He has a small punching bag, punching gloves, a low bed, multiple cassette tapes, a radio, a waste basket that's filled with balled up paper balls and a large desk containing multiple drawers. His homework sits on top with a pencil holder, paint brushes and a can of purple spray paint. He also has his own bathroom.

He flops on his bed, and starts to scroll through his phone, while I stand their awkwardly, not wanting to do anything to make things worse. He sits up. " Look." I walk over to him and bend down to get a better look. On his phone the news title flashes: CURFEW FOR ALL STUDENTS WILL BE SET NEXT WEEK! NO ONE GOES OUT WITHOUT A PROPER ADULT PAST 8.

WHAT! They cannot be serious?! " What the hell-" " There is more." Miles says, making me turn to face his screen. Someone posted on their insta about the party. " COPS TO ALL THE MONEY! DID NOT LEAVE ANY CENTS FOR THOSE KIDS!! My legs get weak as I land on the floor with a thud. My eyes start to well up and I feel a lump in my throat. " This ain't fair!" I cry. As soon as those words come pouring out my mouth, tears start to stream down my face like a waterfall. All the stress, all the pain and suffering is coming out in this very moment.

Miles looks surprised. His usual dull eyes turn to a soft sad look. He sighs and kneels down before me. He slowly pulls my arm away from my face and wipe my tears with his thumb. I look into his eyes. He opens his mouth but doesn't say anything. Instead he points to the bathroom, letting me know to go wipe my face. I slowly get up and enter the bathroom closing the door behind me. I can't face him like this. This is pitiful, why am I crying? My kid isn't the one stuck in a hospital and can't get the treatment they need.

So why? I look at myself in the mirror. I look pale and have huge bags under my eyes, like I haven't slept in days. I'm so tired. I just want to go home and go into a deep sleep; not waking up until this whole world is fixed. Mile knocks on the door. " You okay?" I wipe my face and open the door. He stands before me, so dull so much in pain. I have never noticed the way he looks at people. He isn't giving them a stern look because he hates them, he just has been through a lot and doesn't have much to smile about.

When he is in a crowd he is invisible to others because he chooses to be. That band aid that held his heart together was torn in pieces. This world has truly pushed him to his limit.

I nod, feeling a bit better after crying. He nods and walks closer to me, wrapping his arms around me and squeezing me tight as if he planned to never let go. I was shocked, I didn't move for a minutes. But his touch was warm and sincere. I hugged him back as another tear dripped down my cheeks and onto the floor. " Let's get you home." He says softly. I nod and we untangle from each others arms.

I say good bye to his mom, who told me to call her Rio and began walking down the road. 

" Are you hungry?" He asks, as we come across a food truck. I clutch my stomach and shake my head no. " To upset to eat." Is all I say and we continue walking. Suddenly sirens come up from behind us. The police.

He pulls in front of us, blocking our path. We stop and watch as the officer steps out of the car, clutching his belt. He smooths put his uniform and wrinkles his red mustache. " What are you kids up to?" He asks approaching us with a demanding look. Miles wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to his body, making my heart nearly leap from my chest. " Nothing." He says, giving the officer a stern and dry look. I can see his tag, Officer Daniel is what it reads. He laughs. " You kids up to no good ain't ya? Didn't you just come from that party up yonder?" he pops a piece of gum in his mouth and looks at me. I stiffen. dealing with the police. I can't right now.

Miles tightens his grip on me. " No, we just came back from my house. I am walking her home." The Policeman laughs. " What you upset about girl?" He leans down to meet my eyes. " You're pissed cause we shut down your party and took all that precious money." My blood burns with hatred. My arm slowly rises, but Miles, using the arm he has around my waist, grabs it and forces it back down. He gives me a side eye. His face telling me not to do anything. 

" Can we go now?" He asks sternly. getting more irritated. Officer Daniels looks up at him and nods. " yeah, you can go but remember, no more night walks with your girlfriend when this curfew gets enforced." He gets into his car and pulls off, tipping his hat at us as he drives off. What an asshole.

" Come on." He rubs my arm, " Let's get you out of here." We continue to my place.

Miles G Morales ( Prowler ) X Y/NOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora