"But then again, I could not be trying to throw you off." I shrugged. "I guess we will never know."

He smirked."If you're not trying to throw me off, then you wouldn't be so secretive about this guy. I get the feeling that I'm starting to get close to finding out who this mystery man is. I might have to up my game if I want to beat him to win your heart. So just how secretive are you going to be?"

"As secretive as one can get."

He chuckled."It's almost funny how vague you're being about this guy. You know, it's okay to just tell me who it is, don't make this any harder than it already is. The curiosity is killing me, so just who exactly is this mystery man that's stealing all of your attention?"

"What if there is more than one?"

He raised an eyebrow as it looked like he had finally trapped me. This should be interesting."Oh, so there are actually multiple men who are after you now? You must really be popular with the guys. I'm gonna have to start planning for multiple dates then. But how many are there? Do you think that you're getting a lot of love and attention from all of these men right now?"

"But then again, there might only be one?"

He chuckled, this was really a game and a half with me.

"Oh, so there might only be one guy? Or are you just trying to keep me on my toes? Let me guess, you're going to keep being vague now right?"

I just smiled.

He let out an exaggerated groan."God, you're making this extremely hard. I mean, I don't mind working extra hard for your love, but it seems like you're not making this easy for me at all. I think you're enjoying challenging me, but I will find out who this love rival is. I'm sure of it."

"You just making toying with you so easy."

He smirked, I really was good at this whole challenging thing.* "Well, I gotta admit, you're doing a really good job at keeping me on my toes. The curiosity is really building up inside of me though, and trust me I do not tolerate curiosity well. In fact, I've been thinking of a way to make you crack and tell me the man's identity."

"Do tell."

He smirked as an idea came to his head."Alright, I think I know something that would make you crack. Tell me, did you enjoy your date last night?"

"It was fine."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes."Well that's just a blatant lie, you're being extremely vague again. You're hiding a lot of truth from me, I can tell by the tone in your voice and how your body language changed when you answered that. It sounds like you really enjoyed the date."

"I enjoyed our conversation, yes."

Archer's face was still smirking as he let out a loud laugh."Wow, you're such a bad liar, and I absolutely love it. It's so obvious that you're lying to me. So you're telling me that my love rival is some smooth talker that makes you laugh, huh?"

"Who said our conversations were romantic?"

He laughed, I had another very good counterattack."Well, I'm assuming it was just a friendly date? I mean, it's a bit of a stretch to think that you went out on a date with another guy and it wasn't a romantic date."

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