PTSD (angst bro idk?)

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"fuck you!" Mickey yells as he slammed the bedroom door, leaving Ian in the hall way, angry and conflicted.

"FUCK YOU TOO DICKHEAD! " Ian punched the door before grabbing his shoes and jacket, walking outside, slamming the door on his way out.

Mickey's pov

"Fuck you!" I slammed our bedroom door, we weren't even fighting over anything serious, fuck, I'm shaking and I feel a lump forming in my throat, I hate the sound of yelling, or slamming doors, it makes me shake and it's almost like I'm hallucinating when I see flashes of my old childhood house, I sigh as I slide down the door, still shaking lightly, usually breathing helps, so I continue to breath slowly, closing my eyes as I do so, i feel like I have to cry but I'm unable to, as it hurts a lot, like I feel like I'm being choked or something.

god I feel so pathetic, I don't like fighting with Ian but sometimes.. fuck, I don't know, I'm conflicted fully, I barely even remember why we were fighting, I was just trying to remember to breath.

"FUCK YOU TOO DICKHEAD!" I felt Ian push the door violently, I lost all my progress, and I start to panic again, i jumped away from the door, still on the floor, I attempt to get up but then I hear another slam, this time coming from the front door, I stumbled back down like a clumsy child then I start to breathe heavily, crawling backwards until my back hit the bed. I breath even harder than before My vision going blurry as I forget about everything around me, why we were fighting, where I was, my fucking name, age, face, everything.

I can feel my heart beating rapidly. Almost as if I was drowning.

Only now am I realizing I'm crying like a fucking bitch. I hate crying, my entire life I've learned that only women cry, and that if I do, I should just call myself a little girl.

It's almost like I'm time traveling to when I was 15, fighting my dad off of my sister.

"STOP SHE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!" Mickey cried trying to grab Terry's shoulder, trying his best to pry his fists off of Mandy's face, mandy only being 12 and malnourished, you can see the conscious leaving her eyes as terry punched her one last time, getting off and turning to Mickey, Mickey tried his best to stand up straight and make it knows that he wasn't scared of terry, but both of them knew that he was terrified out of his mind. He wanted to do something but he just froze, no one scared him like his own father.

"Dad, please." Mickey said, backing up into a wall, letting out a yell as he is  now being punched repeatedly, till he was barely conscious just like Mandy. He could barely see. But he could hear Iggy yelling at terry, then a big thump, like a grown man falling. He closed his eyes and passed out.

I start to shake even more now holding my ears with my very Shakey hands, my eyes were screwed closed as I gripped my hair, I run my nails down my neck as I start to see flashbacks of terry, I feel like my skin is crawling, I wanna rip the skin off my face, I start to scratch at my neck violently, I can feel blood slightly, not enough to pour but enough to burn like crazy if I continue to scratch that spot.

why is this happening? This hasn't happened before, am I going crazy? What exactly is Happening? Why cant I stop shaking? Why does it feel like he's still hear.

Still crying hysterically and breathing so hard, I feel my heart start to pound so much it hurts physically, I let out a cry and my arms went numb for a few seconds, my stomach feels oddly really empty. This is so unbelievably painfull.

"Make it stop! please make it stop!" I cried even harder, I felt so helpless, I craved human contact, Ian, I need Ian. He can make it stop right? Where is Mandy? Is she okay? I need to know if she's okay? Where the fuck is Ian! Ian please help, I need Ian, As if on command. I heard slow foot steps come closer.

"Mickey?..." I hadn't even noticed the door opening, I felt hands on either side of my shoulders, "hey, Mickey what's happening, what's wrong?" Ian asked, I can't even see his face, everything's a blur, I only see a blurred blob of dull colors, he was crouched down to my level,  I let my legs fall and my hands wrap around him. I still see Terry's face, yelling, screaming and punching Mandy, I need to help her, I need to make sure she's gonna live.

"Please make him stop!" I cried out holding on tighter than before, I felt pathetic but it really didn't matter right now.

"MANDY! DAD GET OFF OF HER!" Mickey yelled, rushing over to terry, punching him in the face, almost immediately regretting it as he got stabbed in the side.

I could barely feel anything, just the warmth of Ian's soft hoodie, his arms wrapped around me, his hand on the back of my head as I Nuzzled into his neck.

"Make who stop? Who Mickey?" Ian asked fractictly. He pulled my face away and I just held him hand on my face, still crying, eyes barely opened as I sobbed.

"Terry, he won't stop, he just-" I let out a croaked cry. I jumped back into his arms, hands holding his hoodie desperately.

"Terry?..I.." Ian said then sighed, I felt him relax in my arms.

Ian's pov

"Terry?..I.." I sighed as I realized what was happening, he's having a panic attack, I've seen Fiona have a couple over the years, and working as a EMT Ive seen some exactly like his, he has PTSD and I don't think he's aware of it, it broke my heart to see him like this, knowing he hates feeling like this, I know when he relaxs fully, he'll gaslight me into believing it never happened.

"I'm here, he can't hurt you" I rubbed his back he let go and looked at me, his cheeks were red and wet, nose red and lips swollen.

"It's not me I'm worried about- Mandy we need to help Mandy- she- she can't- I can't " he's breathing is chopped and I can see him panicking.

"Hey hey, look, Mickey, Mick, she's okay, she's gonna be okay, he's not here, he can't hurt her, she's okay I promise" I held his face and stroked his cheeks. Smiling warmly even though he might not be able to see me.

"But - i- but terry- " Mickey held my wrists, I pulled him back into my lap, and made sure he  could get enough air, so he didn't panic even more. He held my jacket tightly like before.

"Look, I'm here alright?" I said and leaned on the wall, I felt him nod in response, which made me smile warmly.

We played there, propped up on the wall, our legs tangled and holding each other.

I could hear his sniffling die down a bit, his breathing still choppy.

I rubbed his back lightly and stroked his hair. I kissed his head. And took in his scent.

"Thank you.." I heard him say, breathing in choppily.

"Yeah..of course Mick.." I stroked his hair and smiled, only now am I realizing the deep red marks on his neck, I was gonna ask what happened but I figured I'd just ask him later, and to think all of this happens over a fucking TV show.

A chuckled at the thought and I continued to pet him softly.

30 minutes later

He eventually fell asleep in my arms,  so I moved him to the bed, put a blanket over him and then changed my jeans to shorts, and took my hoodie off, now wearing a white tank.

I had my back turned until I heard shifting behind me, I turned around and saw Mickey turn, now facing the wall. I got under the blanket with him, holding him gently. God even after all that panicking, he's still so gorgeous, I kissed his cheek lightly, earning a sleepily smile and a gentle sigh.

I was undoubtedly the happiest I've ever been.

1412 words
alr so I fucking love this, thinking about making a part 2 to this, if even just one person says they want a part two, I'll write it immediately istg 🙏🏽

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