gassy(funny, fluff)

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Basically, Mickey's gassy and wont stop burping and he keeps blowing it in Ian's face and not saying excuse me, to annoy him but Mickey finds it genuinely funny.

Ian was cleaning his room while Mickey was sitting in the corner of the bed, drinking soda and scrolling on his phone occasionally chuckling at things, sometimes telling Ian to come watch a video or look at a meme, Ian almost always responded with a chuckle.

Ian was folding clothes, picking them up from the basket and once he folded them setting them down in their correct category, shirts with shirts, jeans with jeans sweatpants and shorts together, underwear with underwear and socks just chilling on the floor.

Mickey paused and grunted, feeling a burp forming, he belched and didn't say excuse me, he blew the burp towards Ian and chuckled.

"Mickey, that's so gross, and-  Say excuse me." Ian sighed with a shirt still in his hand. Laughing a bit.

"Scuse me" he laughed a bit, drinking more of his soda.

"Thank you" Ian smiled then went back to folding, once he was done with that he was done with cleaning the room, so he plopped right down next to Mickey, grabbing his own phone and checking it.

*BURRRRRPPPP* Mickey blew that in his face laughing really hard at the reaction Ian gave, Ian looked at him unimpressed, giving a slow, blink with a sigh following.

"Say it." Ian said.
"Say what?" Mickey laughed.
"Say excuse me" ian sighed
"Make me" Mickey said with a challenging smile.
Ian took the soda out of Mickey's hand and set it on the night stand.
He then grabbed Mickey's chin and moved his mouth to open and close
"ExCusE mE" Ian mocked. Mickey now giving him the unimpressed look. Eyes hanging low and looking at him, Ian laughed and his own immaturity and let go of his face.
"Not what I meant by m*burpp*ake me" Mickey said then giving Ian a confused look when he burped cause not even he was expecting that.
both boys started laughing really hard
"No because- AHAHAHAAH" Ian laughed pointing at Mickey's face, Mickey also laughing.
"Y-your faceeee- AAAHA BAHAHAHAHSSHAA" Ian laughed even harder remembering the face Mickey made.
"I wish I sa-aw it" Mickey laughed just as hard and Ian, after minutes of making fun of each other a laughing tell they started crying and their abs were so toned they could be body builders, they finally calmed down and wiped their happy tears away. Ian sighed and looked at mickey

"See not everything has to suck" Ian said. Now they were both propped up on the wall, staring into each other's eyes

"I don't know..maybe if he just got the chiavari chairs I wouldn't have said that" Mickey chuckled.
Ian giving him a chuckle in response.

"I can't believe we got married though, like that's actually insane" Ian said, them still making eye contact.

"Yeah.." Mickey put a hand on Ian's cheeks rubbing his thumb against it when Ian relaxed his head on top of it, they gave a small nice kiss and laid together, Ian's arms around Mickey's waist and head on his shoulder. Melting into each other comfortablely.

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