Drain Bamage

27 2 74

Y'all I don't even know how to start this out.

I should probably start this off with saying happy late new year 🎉

So the second season of the TD reboot finally dropped the last batch of episodes over in the UK.

Meanwhile the U.S. hasn't even aired the first season but that's a topic for another day.

At least Total Drama is leaving Netflix at the end of January so hopefully that means it's making its way to Max soon and the two new seasons will come along with it.

One can dream

Anyways so the second season is completed and I honestly don't really know how I feel.

Like I enjoyed it but some of it left me confused and kind of dissatisfied.

So I'm gonna do what I did for the first season and talk about the campers individually and then talk about some of the plot points because oh boy

The different plots and arcs in this season were definitely something

So yeah, good ole ‼️SPOILERS‼️ beyond this point

Axel: Okay so I wasn't really going into season 2 expecting anything from Axel. I was hoping she'd get farther and a bit more development and lucky for me, she did! They hinted in episode one that she was going to make an attempt to be nicer but I didn't really think that went anywhere with anyone expect Ripper. Speaking of Ripper, I was not expecting a relationship out of the two of them. I was one of those Nichelle/Axel shippers but I wasn't mad about Ripper and Axel getting together. It was cute at the beginning, but then their relationship got the good ole Gidgette treatment and I knew where it was going. Episode 7 specially was the worst of it and I was 100% expecting them to be the double boot. So yeah, glad Axel got farther and her relationship with Ripper is fine, but I am disappointed she didn't get to do a bit more on her own.

Bowie: Bowie's arc this season was mostly within his team so it didn't really surprised he got out after the merge. Even with that, Bowie was still great. He still knows how to play the game, his conflict within the cheating arc was nice, and his relationship with Raj is still sweet as fuck. So yeah, Bowie was good this season despite not doing much this time around. Also that scene in episode 6 when he went up against Damian and told the editors to make sure he gets a close up of his "victory" was probably the funniest scene in the season for me.

Caleb: Since Caleb was the first one out in the first season, it made total sense that he'd go farther in season 2. And I kind of liked his strategy at the beginning of the season. Most of Caleb's screen time revolves around his alliance/relationship with Priya and I honestly enjoyed it at first. We've seen drama like Caleb and Priya before but they're enjoyable characters so I didn't mind. Plus they had some really cute moments together. But then episodes 9-13 came out and that's where I finally drew the line and thought that the whole Priya Caleb arc went on for a little too long. But I'll talk about that arc later. Overall, Caleb was alright but he kind of tanked towards the end.

Chase: My opinion on Chase hasn't changed since last season. He was the second boot so obviously he didn't have much to do. But for the episodes he was in, he was still pretty funny and kept up his usual douchebag personality. Although I will say I kind of wish that they did something with Chase and Emma this season. I told my sister it would've been funny that since Ripper and Chase were bros in season one, Ripper could've went to Chase for romantic advice instead of Bowie. But since Chase is a legit awful boyfriend the advice would be just as awful, hilarity ensues.

Damien: I swear watching MK and Damien get eliminated back-to-back when I predicted they would be the finalists hurt like a bitch man. Damien's elimination probably hit me the hardest because I thought it looked like he was aiming to go to the finale. But nope. His immunity idol got stolen which I thought was lowkey stupid. I know a lot of people predicted that would happen but I held to hope it would go better for Damien. Still not 100% sure how Julia found out Damien had the idol but whatever. Other than his elimination, I thought Damien was a lot of fun this season. He kind of floated through the game at the beginning but he still made some good plays. Even winning immunity against Bowie. Damien is just an absolute dork and he's great. It just sucks how he got eliminated. Fingers crossed we get a season 3 because I need him to win a season.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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