Totally hosed

34 2 33

I swear the majority of the chapter names are quotes from the show

I don't know if that's genius or if it shows my lack of creativity

Anyways, sorry it's been two months. Lack of motivation and all that shit

I was going to talk about total dramarama and Lightning and Sugar being new to the cast but I figured it wouldn't be great as a chapter in itself

So I'm putting it into this random total drama dump chapter thingy

I don't watch total dramarama but I was genuinely curious to see how sugar and Lightning were gonna be in the episode

Sugar is pretty much what I expected and Lightning was a lot nicer than he was before

Kind of like this go getter cool dude

Which is fine but he lacked the himbo competitiveness that I miss

Also the dude didn't say "sha-" once

That disappointed the fuck out of me

Maybe in future episodes but I ain't gonna watch to find out

In other total drama news, I saw a video of Tom McGillis saying that the new seasons was going to be a lot more diverse. Within the show's characters and writers to support that

And I heard we're getting two lgbtq+ characters and they'll be/get together

Y'all I'm calling it, if it's the old cast then it's gonna be Gwen and Courtney or Noah and Cody

Calling it

It's good we're getting more diversity and the show. Hopefully it lives up to expectations

That's all from me for now


- Baylee

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