Yee haw it's ship time

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I am currently drinking coffee at 5 pm because why not

Who needs to sleep anyways

I'm saying this like it's unusual. It really isn't

Anyways time to talk about ships

Nothing specific I just want to talk my favorite td ships. Canon or crack

There's like 80+ characters in the td franchise I believe so that leaves a shit ton of people to glue together

We gonna start of with a ship that I've been thinking about a lot for some reason

Gwen and Zoey

Idk why but I think the idea of them together is great

Goth chick and indie girl?

Going on thrift shopping dates?

Give it to me now

Mike could never. Mike is punching the air rn 😂

I also like Gwen and Bridgette because it kind of falls within Gwen and Zoey but Bridgette is more laid back

I literally prefer Gwen shipped with other girls I'm sorry

Gwuncan and Gwent: 😶😬🤨

Gwen with a girl: 😶🥺🥰

Gwen was bi and nobody can tell me otherwise. Shut up Fresh

Anyways let's move on, this ain't about headcanon sexualities


Even if they weren't together, they make an amazing power duo

I would've killed for some more scenes with them getting along

Maybe I should talk about some canon ships because if I don't I'm just gonna list a bunch of crack ships that ain't happening

Mike and Zoey.

I know I literally just insulted Mike and shipped Zoey with Gwen but y'know

Best of both worlds and whatnot

Did they get annoying? Yeah. But I couldn't help but smile when Mike admitted he had mpd and Zoey just accepted him unconditionally

Sure she called him an oddball but her heart was in the right place ig

They were cute. Just don't remind me how they were the finalists in all stars

I thought Dakota and Sam were cute too

Cliche? Probably. But that opposites attract trope is a damn good one.

Why do you think I like Duncney?

But I'll make a chapter on duncney in the future hopefully

That ship is its own chapter

Aleheather is also one of my personal favs. Two manipulative pretty people who love money more than they love each other

Beautiful. Muah. Chefs kiss

I know I said there's a shit ton of ships but I think I'll make a part two for more

I'm drinking coffee at 5 people. You should tell I ain't running so hot

And I'll probably talk about the ships I hate

We gonna be talking about Sky and Dave and how I literally hate them both

Also this is probably my last chapter in 2020

This year sucked. Happy early new year. If 2021 sucks then oh well

Hakuna Matata

- Baylee

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