xi. spider-man loves you

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Peter B. Parker found himself in a tough situation, struggling against Doc Ock's grip. He was so close to inserting the override key into the ceiling's panel if it weren't for Kingpin's thugs interrupting them and foiling their plans.

Doc Ock pulled Peter in. "Any last words?" she asked.

"Can I get a minute to think about it?" he choked out. "Do you have a pen?"

"Goodbye, Peter Parker."

Suddenly, one of her metal arms reared back and punched her in the face. He raised an eyebrow at the scene happening before him, incredulous despite still being held captive. Doc Ock looked around, trying to look for any stray webs that might be the culprit. Another kick was sent to her jaw and her tentacles were now out of control.

"Who did that?!" Doc Ock demanded, flailing her hands around in hopes of getting hold of the invisible suspect.

From below, two webs were dispatched towards her and the figure launched himself, the invisibility wearing off, revealing Miles in his new suit. "Miles?!" Peter exclaimed in shock, eyes wide behind his mask.


Miles flew towards Ock, cutting off her sentence as he sent her flying with his punch, causing her to release Peter. Miles caught him with his web and they both landed on the ceiling. "Wow, Miles! You're doing it on command!"

"About time, right?" the boy replied.

The other spider-people on the ground caught on, looking happy to see the kid in his element. Peter placed an enthusiastic hand on his shoulder, shaking it a bit. "I love you! I am so proud of you!" he said, making Miles chuckle so freely. The older man paused. "Do I want kids?"

A lone panel was charged towards them, almost hitting them. "Oh, yeah. I forgot about her," he remarked, stancing up. Doc Ock broke off more octagonal shingles and threw them at the spiders, but they dodged it with ease. As they fought, they all noticed a box rising up towards the beam.

"Well, that doesn't look promising," Peter noted, swinging away.

"No, it doesn't."

From the observation room, a copy of Vanessa and Richard began to flicker into existence as Kingpin watched. "I've got genetic matches!" One of the scientists announced before trailing, "Hold on... it's too risky—!"

"Shut up and turn it up!" Kingpin demanded.

Back to the collider room, Miles kept searching for someone, a red and white combination, but his senses were tingling for the wrong reasons. The room descended into more chaos as Peter barked out communications, "On your left! On your right! I got 5 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 2 o'clock! Every direction!"

Gwen noticed that Miles was aimlessly looking everywhere and she already knew what he was thinking. "She's not here, Miles," she said, giving him an answer she knew he wouldn't like, but it was the truth.

He nodded, moving forward. "Right. Okay," he managed to utter. He'll save his apology for later. After he destroys the collider and gets everyone home.

Cluster buildings began to burst through the portal, as the spiders continued to battle while things got crazy. "Guys, are you seeing this?!" Miles shouted, meeting up with Peter and Gwen on top of one of the collider guns. The three all looked out over the chaos that was happening in the room.

"Looks like our dimensions are coming to us!" Gwen remarked in wonder.

Peter let out a sound of awe. "It does look cool though, right?"

More buildings spewed out of the beam, now looking like an amalgam of cities and colors. It looked horrifying and beautiful at the same time. "We gotta get back up there," the blonde said, "Shouldn't be too hard—"

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