vii. alchemax infiltration plan

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The three rode a bus through the Hudson Valley.

"I'm not swinging to the Hudson Valley, Miles. Not after a hearty burger-breakfast," Peter reasoned, slapping Miles in the shoulder.

Y/n sat beside him, who was agreeing with Peter's statement (even though she didn't want to). "It's kinda a long way, you'll run out of webbing before even getting there," she added, trying to keep Miles' interest. She placed her hand on his, giving him a reassuring grin. "I'll teach you how to swing, that's a promise."

And he smiled back.

"Yeah, Miles," Peter chimed in, "Keep your legs fresh, you'll thank me for this later."

The whole way there, Miles asked Peter questions about his universe's Spider-Man, and though he didn't want to go over it again, he didn't shut the kid out. He might pick a lesson or two if he wants to become a spider-themed hero of his own.

So he answered to the best of his ability, avoiding questions that were too... touchy for him. He got bit when he was 17, and for the last 22 years, he was Spider-Man, all the while Y/n was trying to deafen her ears.

Suddenly, a notification from her pocket cut the conversation off. Y/n brought out her phone and saw a text from Gwen. Miles consciously looked away in respect, deciding to gaze at the trees they were passing by.

where u at?

almost there. gonna sneak in.

alr i have a disguise. i'm abt to go in

"Who you textin'?" Miles asked, fiddling with her fingers. The question made her smile.

She turned to him. "Why you askin'?" she asked in the same tone. "Jealous?" she leaned forward, taunting him. Miles flushed.

"No. Tonta..."

Y/n laughed, deciding to text Gwen later. Putting her phone away, she gave Miles her undivided attention. "That was just Ganke. He wants to catch up."

She swore she saw his face contort in annoyance, but she didn't comment on it.

The bus arrived at their stop, and the three got off. They ventured off-path, through the woods until they eventually reached the top that overlooked Alchemax.

Peter began to undo his clothes, Miles following suit. Y/n hid behind a rock and removed her clothes as well, the red and white suit hugging her body just right. She revealed herself to the two who had just finished suiting up— but Peter still wore his gray sweatpants, and Miles was wearing a yellow cape with his store bought Spidey suit.

Peter noticed, pointing at the yellow rag. "And it's a no on the cape."

"I think it's cool," Miles shrugged, and Y/n was about to raise her hand in agreement until Peter grabbed the cape. Miles tried to pull it back and there was a bit of tug of war as Y/n simply watched.

"Take that off, it's disrespectful. Spider-Man doesn't wear a cape," Peter remarked, yanking the cape from him. Y/n knitted her eyebrows. Spider-Man does wear a cape. It was a concept.

The three made their way on one of the boulders that hid them from the building. Miles turned to Spider-Lily's eyes. "Spider-Lily—"

"Just call me Lily so it won't be a mouthful," her mask moved as she spoke.

Miles hesitated, testing the waters. "Right... Lily, so how do we retrace your dad's steps?"

She was silent, slowly facing the building to avoid his gaze. "I'm still having a hard time doing that," she said, her voice barely a whisper.

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