The Man of Shadows

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A few days passed on after New Years. Everyone except for Jameson left the house but it looked like he was preparing to go to Emily's. Why wouldn't he? Soon, he was going to be MARRIED to her.

Anti didn't want to stop him. Jameson was in love and he was happy for him.

But damn, did he hate it. He felt that familiar loneliness creeping up on him.

He ran his fingers over the marble around his neck Marvin had gifted him. It felt like so long ago now.

'Maybe to them' he thought to himself, 'But to me, it still feels like last week'

The great battle between Antisepticeye and all of them. How they all came together as one to defeat him. Anti reclaimed his eye that was previously stolen from him and got rid of the bastard once and for all.

But something in Anti burned. Like the monster was still out there  . . . waiting.

Perhaps that was his own fault. . .

Running his thumb over the marble, he still felt like his previous brothers were still there with him. But over time, it seemed like even THEY were fading.

True fear started to set in. He didn't want to be alone again.

Fingers snapped in his face.

Anti blinked out of his daydream to see Jameson leaning over him.

'Are you alright there, chap? You seemed to be in another world!' he signed with a smile.

Anti smiled back, "I'm fine. What did you need, James?"

Jameson shuffled a little, nervous, 'Well I know you don't really like surprises. I know the other day must have been a lot for you. But it's not like Any of us are LEAVING you. You can come to visit us, too, whenever you like'

Jameson must have been able to see the turmoil in Anti's eyes from afar to be able to guess what was on his mind so easily.

But Anti shook his head, "I'm alright, James . . . And I don't think it's as easy as that. Sure, I can teleport to you guys whenever . . but . ..  you all have your own lives . .  you'll be married soon.  All the others have their own families . . . I don't want to be a third wheel to anyone, you know? That's why planning to meet is so important."

Jameson sighed heavily. He knew Anti always felt awkward about going to the other's universes to hang out but he knew it was more than that. It wasn't just that he didn't feel welcome. He was scared to leave THIS universe.

The mute pat his shoulder, "It's alright, Anti. You'd never be a third wheel to us. In fact, most of us practically RELY on you for a lot of advice"

"That's concerning"

'Anyway, Marvin sent a letter. He's coming over soon with Jackie'

Anti blinked, "Really? Why? Did he say?"

'No. Does that bother you?'

"Well no, of course not. They're welcome here ANY time!"

'Proving my point exactly'

Anti fell right into the trap and shoved the mute, "Oh shut it"

After a while, Marvin finally appeared alone with Jackie . . .. and suitcases?

"Sup, guys" Jackie pat Jameson's shoulder affectionately and then hugged Anti who of course accepted.

"Hey, Jackie, what's going on? Everything alright?"

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