Shooting Stars - Chapter 4.

Start from the beginning

"You didn't see that woman go through what she has done, you didn't see Ellie's face that day before she died. You weren't there Harry" I muttered through gritted teeth, I'm normally a calm person but when it comes to family, a simple statement is all it takes.

"I know but you're not thirty and a mother, you're twenty and a sister"

"With responsibilities that I take seriously" I pointed out, I knew that Harry was right but I was going to battle back as much as I could.

"Really Talia. We know for gods sake. But answer this! Would your mum want her daughter stressing out about her other daughter? Tell me another thing... What contributed to your mum's illness?" Harry asked, this argument was the first I had been in with Harry but he knew he was right and he was going to do anything to make sure I knew that.

"Stress" I whispered, my shoes becoming increasingly interesting to me.

"Exactly. You and I both know I'm right now come on." So in the end, I ended up being dragged out the airport, weaved in and out of waiting families to the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked, not looking up from my lap.

"I'm not sure but Liam said be ready for half two" Harry told me, his eyes focused on the road. I nodded although I realised afterwards that he couldn't see me, with his eyes on the road ahead of us an all.

Two o'clock rolled around pretty quickly. I had showered, changed and messed around with my hair, debating whether to straighten my hair or not.

"Leave it natural, it's pretty that way" a voice said behind me, causing me to jump slightly. I turned around to reveal Harry standing there in....Well I'll let you guess.

DING DING DING! We have a winner over here!

You guessed right. He's in a plain white t-shirt, similar to the one Nate was wearing earlier but of course Harry had paired it with a pair of dark jeans.

"Oh, erm. Thanks" I replied, continuing to twist small fragments of my hair around my fingers.

"Look about earlier" Harry sighed, inviting himself in and sitting on the bed. I'm currently staying at Aunt Anne's house, in Gemma's room whilst she's in London until I can find myself a place here in Cheshire.

"It's fine, you were right" I told him, turning to face him. A small smile played on his lips as he spoke this time.

"You know, I never meant to annoy you or anything, I just wished you saw what we all do" I nodded in response.

"Harry, you may want to go finish getting ready" I giggled, looking at his still damp hair from his shower earlier on. He nodded this time before leaving my room. I glanced over at the mirror, my white and black patterned jumper that stopped just before the top of my jeans, showing a bit of my tanned stomach and my belly button peircing. I chose my light blue jeans and my heeled shoes with a couple of bracelets covering my wrists and a bag that matched the colour of my shoes.

"Taliaaa" Ellie cried, clinging onto me,

"Yeah sweetie?" I asked, picking my sister up from my leg and placing her on my hip.

"I'll miss you"

"Ellie, I'm going to be back before night. I promise! You've got Aunt Anne and guess what's on Disney channel tonight!?" Ellie shook her head, refusing to look up at me.

"Lilo and Stitch" I gasped, adding extra dramatic looks into this. Ellie immediately shot up before scrambling from my arms and downstairs. I grabbed my mascara adding a later or two on top of the makeup I already had on.

"Come on Talia!" Harry shouted, I grabbed my things putting them into the bag before slinging it over my shoulder and walking downstairs, carefully may I add. Stairs, me and heels don't mix well, even if they're only small heels. We said our goodbyes to Anne before Harry led me to the van which all the boys were day in.

"Wow you look gorgeous!" Louis smiled, offering his hand to help me climb into the van. I sent a small smile and 'thank you' his way before accepting his offer and grabbing his hand, climibing into the car and claiming the window seat beside Niall before Harry could.

"Louis! No hitting on my cousin! Certainly not whilst you have a girlfriend!" Harry stated sternly,

"Harrehhhh" I moaned, stamping my feet on the floor of the van.


"I'm older than you, I can take care of myself" I moaned again, stopping my tantrum and resulting to glaring at my cousin.

"And what" he replied, I ignored him and looked out the window. The conversation in the car was highly worrying for an outsider like me. They were talking about what they're going to do if carrots took over the world.

Crazy boys.

"What would you do?" Niall asked, when the van went silent I looked around, meeting five pairs of staring eyes.

"You were talking to me?" I ask, Niall nodded, smiling slightly at me.

"More importantly DO YOU LIKE CARROTS?" Louis screeched from the other side if the van, I nodded but sent a confused and scared glance at Liam who shrugged in response. Oh how very helpful you are Mr. Payne! Please note the sarcasm.

"Harry, she's a keeper" Louis wondered out loud, suddenly gaining my full attention.

"Why are you telling me this?! She's my cousin!" Harry shot back, trying to sit up properly so he could see over the back seats.

"Erm. 'She' has a name guys" I tried to point out only to get ignored completely. Nice friends you have Harry. One again; please note the sarcasm.

"If anything you should be telling yourself that" Zayn mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"What? Why?" Louis questioned.

"You haven't shut up since she's got in the van. You know you can bloody talk to her ya know" Zayn retorted, smiling in my direction quickly.

"Shut up" was the response muttered by Louis before he started a tantrum, his eyes focused outside the van, his arms crossed and his body turned away from us.

This was going to be a... Rather interesting lunch then.

Shooting stars. ( Louis Tomlinson )Where stories live. Discover now