Chapter 1: A Band of Good Friends

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" no really dude you should be careful he's really strong" Dan spoke, thinking if Arthus gets to set up his friend is pretty much screwed. And unsure of what'll happen to him if he looses. I mean... in the original game they show a defeat screen and that's it. But... here in this new real life kinda version of the game... what'll happen? It already seems that the CPU's have their own mind/personalities or plot or storyline that they're following? I mean... it just seems like Arthus is more than a CPU who wants Jaina back/by his side.

Jaina: " yeah sure he is. Check this out" using a 2 mana cost card Frost Bolt and killed the Body Bagger. Clicking the floating end turn button next to him/her.

" see?" Jaina said, thinking that was nothing.

" I don't think that was the right play, you just gave him a corpse. Also that was a 1 Damage attack minion you could've saved it for a more higher attack minion" Dan spoke, causing Nick to groan and say " can you just shut it? Who's playing? You or I?" Not wanting to hear Dan's back seat driving comments.

" he's just giving some advice" Tom butt in. Thinking Nick isn't taking this seriously. They don't even know what'll happen if they loose.

" who cares if I loose? I'll probably have a game over screen with a click here to continue to either restart and fight him again, quit, or maybe one of you can switch in and fight him" Nick spoke, really not caring at all how this battle turns out.

" hey guys I'm trying to log out and it's not letting me..." Tom said, finding this very concerning.

" dude why the fuck are you trying to leave when I'm in the middle of a game? Like wow you won't even stay to watch? What a true friend you are" Nick said, offending and upset.

" are you even listening? I can't exit out. Dan can you try?" Tom said, seeing Dan try and say " yeah, it's not letting me out either. Maybe we can't since one of us are in combat?" Dan said, unsure for the reason why but hoping that's the case.

" yo you guys are such pricks you know that?" Nick said, thinking ugh fine he'll exit out of this battle/surrender or something and see if it works.

" uh hey! Arthus! I surr-" Valeera put her hand over Jaina's mouth and said " wait but what if it doesn't work and if you surrender than we go to some bad alternative cutscene or something? I think you should finish beating him" making Nick scoff and say " you just want to see me get my ass beat by him fair and square don't you?"

Dan: " maybe Jake's right. I think you should try to beat him." Thinking of what the consequences could be if Nick surrenders now and it doesn't work for them to exit out.

That's when Arthus put down Bonedigger Geist. " more bonessss... pleeeassee....."

" what the fuck?" Jaina/Nick said, thinking not only is that minion creepy as fuck but they got a bonus in attack and health thanks to it taking a corpse from Arthus's stack pile.

" how is that even fair?" Nick complained, as he played a 3 cost mana card: Razorfen Hunter that spawned a 1/1 boar. Thinking this card ain't as good as the one he laid down. Ending her turn.

Nick/Jaina got hit with a shovel by the Bonedigger Geist.

" ow! Hey! What the fuck?! Why you little fucking bitch!" Nick said, waving his fist in the air at that minion. Seeing is sulk back to Arthus's side of the battlefield after it hit him/her.

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