Chapter 3: The picture

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I woke up in sam's apartment, it's the weekend and we have nothing to do. I told sam that we should visit our old house where we have many memories when we were kid.

we went to the old house and many memories were brought back.

Me: Hey, Sam, Look!

*I pointed to the garden behind the house*

Sam: hm?

Me: Do you remember that's where we used to hang out when we got home from school, that's where we used to play on weekends.

Sam: Yeah haha I remembered... there was so many memories

We just hung out in the garden but suddenly it started raining

Sam: Come on, let's go to the house first.

We just cleaned the house because it was full of dust, probably from the people who rented the house, but they didn't clean it before they left.

Sam came to me and said "do you want to spend the night here, if that's okay with you? Tomorrow we will also clean the outside of the house."

I answered, "okay"

Me: There are a lot of pictures left by people who rent this house. why don't they bring their pictures, it's a pity that their memories are here in the picture. Oh!, look there are more albums.

Me: Haaa... Bedroom done. okay, it's time to clean the attic.

"I went to the attic. Sam cleans the first floor, while I clean the attic, which is full of household items. It's a pity that the other items are brandnew but they don't use them."

Sam: Hey, Yan yan. Let's have a snack first.

Me: Oh, come on. Don't call me by that nickname.

Sam: Have you forgotten, that's what I called you then, when I invited you to play hahaha...I knocked in your house and then I said, "Hi aunty, is yan yan there?"

Me: Ohh... Hahaha yes I remember..then I get annoyed when you call me that so sometimes I don't want to play with you.

"we were just talking about our childhood when we heard something banging in the attic"

Sam: Where did that noise come from?

Me: Maybe in the attic, something seems to have fallen. But maybe it's just a rat so let's not worry about it.

"So we just continued our conversation"



Me: HAHAHA. Yea, I remem-

"Sam and I stopped when we heard someone walking in the attic"

Me: Come on, sam, let's go to the attic
Sam: Uhm. Yan, Aren't you aftaid?
Me: Why should I be afraid?

Sam: We can just go to the attic tomorrow, it's late

Me: Okay..

"I just agreed because it's dark in the attic and there's no light"


Me: Hey Sam.. when do we start cleaning again?
Sam: Later, Come on Yani it's still early... btw I'm going for a walk to have a exercise, if you want to come with me... I'll go straight to the market and buy ingredients for our lunch and we'll also go home tonight because we have school tomorrow.

Me: oke...

"we bought food and went home right away because we were going to clean the pile of stuff in the attic"

*Fast forward*

"Sam and I were cleaning the attic when I stepped on a small notebook"

It's a diary with a lot written on it but it's very blurry and can't be read anymore because of the oldness of the notebook.

I opened each page of the notebook one by one and I saw a picture that made Sam and I have a goosebump.

I saw a picture of me, but something scared us because the guy was standing next to me, I didn't know that diary was mine and that was the first diary that i made when mom left and worked abroad. I also put the pictures I took there. When I was young, my father gave me a camera before he died. so whenever I'm sad I take pictures of every beautiful places i see.

Sam: Yannie, why is he standing next to you here?

Me: I don't kn-

"I stopped talking again when we heard someone running behind us"

Sam: Yannie, Maybe he's just watching over you, that's why he's here now... maybe that's why you thought of coming here because he led us so you could see that picture.

Me: Yeah, Maybe.

"We went down and packed to leave and I brought the diary and the photo we saw"


We got home and looked at the picture, we were really wondering why that guy was just standing next to me. The color of his skin is like a human as in he's not like a ghost or anything else he's literally a human in that picture, Because the day I took the picture I was sad and I put the camera on a chair. But, I was not with anyone at that time, I was alone in the garden when I took that picture.

Sam: What if he was really the one watching over you when you were young, yannie? Besides, what if he is also the one appearing in your dream?

Me: Yeah, what if it's him?

Sam: Haysss... You know, let's stop the topic about that guy, let's go to sleep and we'll have school tomorrow. and by the way, you should go home too, maybe aunty is looking for you.

Me: Yes, I will go home tomorrow after school....., It's like you don't want me in your house anymore.

Sam: No. It's not like that, I'm just worried about aunt that she might need you at home.

Me: Don't worry, Mom will call me when she needs me, but I'll be home tomorrow. I have to keep this picture and the diary.

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