Chapter 1 - The Announcement

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As I sat in class bored out of my mind, my mind drifted off to my new figure-skating routine for the nationals

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As I sat in class bored out of my mind, my mind drifted off to my new figure-skating routine for the nationals. I get to where a pale blue dress with a tiny skirt that defined my curves unlike the baggy shirt and pants I was wearing now.

Although, before I can get to the nationals, I have to win first place at the All That Skate competition, it was the deal with my parents. Just as my mind was about to wonder somewhere else, the bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I quickly packed my books up, pushed up my glasses as they were falling down and walked down the hallway to my locker. Placing them in, I shut it and started walking quickly to PE, looking down.

You see, I have to pretend that I'm a nerd so people don't find out that I was the famous figure skater, Lilith Dale. If they did, they would probably pretend to be my friend just so that they can boost their popularity.

It doesn't bother me too much as I can remember things faster than normal people.  The only two bad things is that Tiffany, the queen bee at the school sometimes bullies me and the fact that I swear a lot and I'm pretty sure nerds don't exactly do that.

I accidentally bumped into someone, making me sprawl across the floor. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment while the other students laugh at me. I looked up and saw that the person I bumped into was the one and only, Ace Ashford, bad boy of the school.

"Watch where you're going, nerd," Ace spat.

Mumbling a quick sorry, I continued my way to the gym. Thankfully, I arrived just in time to hear the PE teacher tell us that we were going to learn figure skating this term.

Ohhhh no. FUCK.

Masking my nervousness, I quickly followed the teacher to bus that will take us to the ice rink. Sitting down at the back, I put in my ear plugs and start playing 'Speechless'. Humming along I rested my head against the window, peaceful.

I felt so calm I slowly began closing my eyes as exhaustion took over. Just as my eyelids were about to close, the PE teacher yelled that we were here. My eyes shoot open and I rub my eyes, quickly getting rid of my drowsiness. Pushing my glasses up again, I looked down at the ground while walking off the bus.

As we walked into the ice rink, I couldn't shake off the feeling like I knew this place. Suddenly, realisation hit me. This was the 'Gliding Ice Rink', more specifically, the ice rink that I train at with my figure skating friends, Camilla and Rachel. Thankfully, they know that I was 'Victoria' the nerd when I'm at school. Plus, my coach also knows so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. Right?

I looked around, pretending that I had never been here before as the PE teacher registered the class.

"Okay kids, for the few times that you come here, you will call me coach, understand? Oh, and if you disobey me, you can do 50 pushups." A familiar voice said, making me snap my gaze onto him.

The Nerd Is A Famous Figure Skater In DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now