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Desperation to mend the situation gnawed at him, but Cole found himself at a loss on how to fight for something that didn't naturally fall into his hands. The dilemma of wanting to fix things but lacking a clear strategy weighed heavily on his mind.

Charis, lacking a clear strategy for her journey home, was well aware that her return would be met with the realization by her father that she had been out all night. Stealthily descending the stairs, she tiptoed carefully, trying not to alert anyone to her presence.

Cole, somewhat distracted from his thoughts, was drawn to the sound of creaking outside his door. Initially dismissing it as one of his family members, he grew more attentive as the noise persisted. Deciding to investigate, he got dressed and left his room, leaning on the stair railing. To his surprise, he spotted the top of Charis's head as she descended the stairs. Intrigued, he followed her silently as she made her way out of the house.

On the porch, the Walter family dog greeted Charis enthusiastically, prompting her to pause and pet the friendly animal. Catching up to her, Cole approached. As the door opened behind Charis, both of them stood there, mouths poised to speak but falling silent. In that moment, they grappled with the uncertainty of whether to say anything at all or maintain a silence—neither knowing the right course of action.

Cole, burdened with thoughts, found himself grappling with where to begin the conversation. Opting for a more casual approach, he slipped his hands into his jacket pockets.

"What are you doing?" he inquired, his voice echoing down from the top of the stairs. Charis shifted her attention from the dog to meet Cole's gaze.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" she replied, attempting to redirect the conversation. The cool breeze sent a shiver down her spine.

"It looks like you're kidnapping my dog," Cole teased, descending the few stairs in an effort to lighten the mood. A genuine smile from Charis would have brightened his day, but the pain she carried dampened any potential warmth.

"I can take you home," he offered, gesturing toward the car.

"I think you've done enough," she shook her head. Despite her current predicament, the prospect of a ride home was tempting.

"I haven't," he insisted, tilting his head and maintaining eye contact with her. Charis felt uncertain.

This time those three words weren't alarming. They knew exactly what they were going to talk about, but neither wanted to be the first to break the silence. It was on Cole to choose his words precisely. Charis was still unsure if this conversation would involve an apology or if it would mark the end of their relationship. The anxiety gnawed at her, and she feared confrontation, whether it led to a positive or negative outcome.

He beat her to her door and opened it for her, causing her heart to flutter. Jogging to the other side of the car, he swiftly got inside, started the car, and the radio recognized the tune. Seeing Charis sigh, Cole's hand quickly went to the volume, turning it down. He had left the CD inside for her. After a quick scan of the property to check for witnesses, he accelerated forward. Charis knew Cole was grounded, risking an earful of yelling.

"How are you not hungover?" he asked, attempting to make her laugh. Charis shook her head and continued to gaze out of the window.

"I'm sorry," he said, beginning the apology.

"Not for the, you know," he added, gesturing to the earlier joking question.

"I'm sorry for everything," Cole looked over at her, causing her heart to clench slightly.

"You're gonna have to be a little more specific," Charis said, looking down at her hands in her lap. She desperately wanted to hear his apology and equally desired to forgive him, but protecting her pride was important. Charis questioned if forgiving him would mean he wouldn't hurt her again.

THE WEIGHT OF DREAMS, Cole Walter ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu