• Introduction •

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Welcome! this is my first ever story! i hope you do enjoy my story and yes I will explain everything here.


• y/n - your name
• l/n - last name
• h/c - hair color
• e/c - eye color
• h/l - hair length

⚠️ Warnings ⚠️

This story will contain the following elements: angst, fluff, smut, horror, cannibalism, and voodoo.

You may in fact leave if you could not handle the other stuff like smut, horror, and cannibalism.


Yes I do in fact know that alastor is canonically Asexual.

Asexual - A term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction toward individuals of any gender.

If you look at it clearly it just says that asexual people do not experience any sexual attraction meaning they don't want anything related to sex. But that doesn't mean they can still date or have a normal relationship. They can have a relationship but not much intimacy with their partner.

Plus this is an alternative universe where alastor does in fact fall in love with you throughout the entire story. This is still almost the exact same alastor as in the canon series but he'll be somewhat flirty. So please if you hate a smutty/flirty alastor you may leave as this story is clearly for the alastor x reader's story. With that being said, enjoy the story!

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