Chapter 2

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Inside this ominous house, they walked inside and was greeted with an atmosphere of foreboding. The house is lit only by the flickering of candles, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The air is heavy with the scent of mildew and decay, and the sound of creaking floorboards echoes throughout the halls. y/n's heart races with anticipation of what lies ahead while aria couldn't stop smiling about the unique look of the house, scary though it seemed rather clean, it was just covered with so many dust.

Aria spotted a staircase in the middle but when looked up, the stairs separated into two different path ways. She grabbed y/n's arm and went to the stairs, aria started climbing it as y/n was behind her, every creak of the stairs didn't frighten aria one bit, as for y/n she was afraid these stair case may break at any moment if they put the wrong foot at line. Aria suggested that they should take each path and voice talk on the walkie talkie if they would find anything.

"C'mon y/n! we will still keep in touch anyways! Just keep your walkie talkie on while searching around then we can meet each other back here afterwards!" said aria placing a small yellow flag between them, "I don't know aria.. what if something cancels our walkie talkie? We couldn't communicate if that happens!", aria chuckles a little and says "don't worry y/n, that won't happen and if it would then just blow your horn and I'll immediately run to you, that's why in case of any emergency we have our blow horns! So relax! Everything will be fine! I'm sure of it! Just record around your surroundings" "Fine, fine I do like to explore alone sometimes, it's half scary but also half fun to do!" You say as you smile at your friend who was already on the staircase that leads to the right side of the house, you roll your eyes with a smirk and start climbing up the left staircase

As y/n makes her way up the dimly lit staircase, she can feel her pulse quicken with fear and excitement. The air is thick with the scent of musty cloth and stale air, and the sound of creaking stairs echoes through the otherwise silent walls of the house. With each step, she can feel her heart racing faster and faster, and she can feel herself growing more and more tense with every passing moment.

As she reaches the top of the staircase, y/n pause for a moment to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. She looks around, trying to get her bearings in this unfamiliar and unsettling environment. As she took a step forward, she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, a chill running down her spine. For a moment, she feels completely at the mercy of the house, like she was being drawn into a dark and dangerous world that she can't escape

Y/n looks around the haunted house with a mix of fear and excitement. The walls are lined with cobwebs and the floors are covered with dust, "This house really is old.. it is true what they said when it was built way back in the 1930's". Y/n kept wandering around the left side of the house recording about what she has been discovering, when she found a fireplace living room, of course there was no fire so since y/n had her small bag with her, she pulled out a match and made fire and tossed it in the fireplace lighting up the living room making it easier to see, there was some dusty old books on the shelves, an old single couch, some old antique sculptures that lay on top of the fire places, a small table beside the couch with a radio on top of it and finally a picture hanging on the wall on top of the fireplace.

y/n then stopped to take a closer look. The frame was made of black wood, and the glass covering the photo had a crack down the middle. The photo itself was an old image of a man with short, straight brown hair. The man was wearing a white long sleeve buttoned up polo shirt, on top of the polo was a dark red vest with a bow tie, his sleeves were rolled up and both of his hands were at the back. Y/n couldn't see the face, because the picture had a big rip right in the middle. It looked like someone had torn it with their bare hands, leaving long gashes in the paper.

Y/n felt her skin prickle with a mix of fear and fascination. Who was this man, and what kind of story could possibly explain this photo? She leaned closer to get a better look, trying to see if there was any clue on the back of the frame. But before she could see anything, she heard aria scream. She spun around, her heart racing, y/n immediately spoke to aria through their walkie talkie and aria explained that she had found something interesting that y/n had to go see, aria hung up shortly after she told y/n what she had found.

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