Chapter 5

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You and Alastor had the conversation on what had happened last night, where did aria went, how Alastor appeared and so on. You were still a bit frightened about him and kept your distance, but your conversation was very interesting. "So, once we summoned you, Aria immediately ran and left?" You said a bit disappointed on what you heard "Yes my dear, you heard me correctly", "... That's so unlike her..." You spoke softly, "Half of this might be my fault my dear" Alastor replied. "Your fault?... What do you mean?". "Well, you were on the pentagram that summoned me, you weren't allowed to leave the circle as I was still coming out of the portal, your friend tried to pull you out, but I think I scared her too much" Alastor said, "Did you have blood on your face when you scared her?" You looked at Alastor, "Why yes, I just finished my breakfast when you two have summoned me, how did you know?" He asked, "Aria has a phobia about blood... and wait breakfast...?" you asked but spoke again "Ya know? I'm not going to even ask anymore" you said closing your eyes to process on what happened.

Alastor spoke "Aren't you going to give me your schedule?", Y/n looks at him with a confused look, "What schedule exactly...?" you asked confusingly which Alastor gave a small chuckle "Your School Schedule Dear" he replied, "And Why should I give you it? Are you going to stalk me the whole day?", "Oh no, no, no my dear, you got it all wrong~" he said in a playful tone. "I only wish to know on what the times are you are free for the week so I may visit and check up on you from time to time" Alastor said crossing his legs together. "Why do you need to check up on me exactly? I am perfectly capable of handling myself". Alastor sighed "The world is really changing now treating women equal chances a man can do, positively lovely" he said.

"I do in fact know that you can handle yourself my dear, but it does not meet the guidelines in the little book your friend read when you both summoned me!" Alastor said, popping the book aria read and flipping through the pages till he stopped at his very own page, "Guide? What? Where does that say??" Y/n said confused, Alastor clears his throat and read the book that was on his page "Almighty Overlord, I summoned thou you from your realm, Let us make a deal, Let us make a deal, Let us make a deal, With this deal I shall not break as it binds our blood with no space, This deal may fall my soul will be yours to take, I now summoned Alastor To come this realm at once!" He finished it like he read a fascinating story and closes the book then looking back y/n who was a bit shocked but composed herself of what she just heard.

"What does that all mean? Deals? Binds of our What!?". You asked Alastor who was grinning at you "Well my dear, I have the ability to offer whatever you desire, in exchange you will follow a simple order I want to give you, that certain deal binds us together to know that our deal was set! that simple!" He replied while cleaning his monocle with a handkerchief. "What about the 'This deal may fall my soul will be yours to take'?" you said taking hold of the book then looking back at him "Once we made a deal, I have complete control of your soul. If our deal were to break or if you try to end our bargain I will take possession of your soul, regardless of the consequences and I will not hesitate to use my powers to punish you if you go against me, Understood dear?" Alastor replied with a dark looking grin on his face. "u-understood" you replied nervously at him, "Lovely, Anyways my dear may I have your schedule now so I can get started to fix my own schedule so for I to visit you", "O-of course, no problem.. just promise not to stalk me.." you said a bit creeped out by him. "I promise I won't be my dear, I have my own personal business so I won't bother you that much" He said giving you his most known smile

You sighed but you eventually gave him your class schedule, as he looked at the paper his smile grew wider than it normally was "Interesting, Your Break Times are at 9:30-10:30 in the morning and 12:30-1:30 in the afternoon and you go home at 3:30 pm, Alright" He said poofing the paper away. "Come now dear, I made breakfast let us eat!" He gets up and holds out a hand for you which you gladly take and both of you head to the kitchen for breakfast, you didn't expect the food to be good but you spoke too soon, Alastor's food tasted so good. "Wow... You cooked so good! What is this wonderful dish?" You asked chewing on the food, "My Mother's Recipe, Jambalaya! It was my favorite meal and I still is!" He says with pride. "Your mother must have been an amazing cook" you said wiping your mouth with a towel, "She sure is, she was such a charming woman.." he says grabbing your now empty plate "my, you have emptied the plate" he says with a playful tune feeling a bit overjoyed when he saw your plate empty, "I will admit that your meal was delicious, I couldn't resist!" You replied wiping off your mouth with a tissue.

"Thank you my dear, very well said" alastor said wiping his hands with a towel. Hours has passed, It was almost 10 pm but you wonder, you have school tomorrow, you didn't know if alastor would even let you go to school as he was planning to get to know you better. "Alastor?" You said walking up to him "Yes my dear?" Alastor said reading his book, "Can I go to school tomorrow? I have classes and.. I really don't want to miss out on my classes", Alastor then closed his book and looked at y/n, "Of Course my dear, but I have a request" He said putting his book aside and patting the seat beside him for you to sit, which you did so, "sure.. what is it?" You looked at him  "I will be with you when you go to school and I also have to pick you up after" he said staring at the the warmth of the fire then at you who was a bit shocked with what you heard what he said but composed yourself  "W-why? Do you want to do it..?" You said to him as he grins at you "Just for safety reasons my dear not that bad at all!" He said looking back at the fire, It took you awhile but you finally agreed for him to deliver and fetch you from school "Wonderful, Is that all you ask?" He says grabbing his book again to open the page he left off to, "Yeah, thank you, U-uhm Goodnight" you said while walking to the staircase, "Goodnight my dear" he looks at you smiling, this kind of smile was different but you appreciated it and went upstairs

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