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SHE was cute asf ha voice is a little soft and raspy mixed tg she carries herself well she know how to dress and i could name alot of more shi

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SHE was cute asf ha voice is a little soft and raspy mixed tg she carries herself well she know how to dress and i could name alot of more shi

Ill love to seeing her wearing my number

Aurora was something different i could tell

I walked into my homeroom turning my music down some i walked to my seat sitting down Td is friday our first game im excited and nervous asf my last first home game imma show out for sure

I looked around the room seeing aurora on the other side of the room she was a little covered td she had on sweatpants and a oversized hoodie with crocs and her natural face and hair

She was beautiful asf like this if you ask me i hate all tht makeup and shi I personally think females look better without it

She looked like she was having a bad day ngl I understand when people have a bad day im just use to ha being the one to light up the room with her smile

She was frowning td

I waited for the bell to ring before i walked over to her walking out the class beside her

"You good"i ask as she cracked a li smile

"Yeah i just been starting my day off wrong"she said as i nodded

"You coming to the game tn"i asked as she shrugged

"You want me too"she asked

"If you cant make it i mean it coo"i said sounding like a bitch

"Ill be there 7 righ"she asked as i nodded

We walked into first period right on time she was about to close the door and that woman don't play bout tardiness

Since we anit doing nothing i put in my airpods and let my playlist flow my day was going good till 4th period art class hit

"Ok class so i will be giving yall beginning of the year projects"she smiled as everyone groaned

"Stop with all the mugs i will be partnering yall up by two yall will have to create a vision board for 2023 i just want you guys to socialize more so whoever you with please get to know them cause they will be your partners for every activity we do this year"she said side eyeing me did i mention she is my auntie on my mother side

"Ok here are the pairs ...

"James and Kalyn"

"Kamari and tavion"

"Jayla and Hayley"

"Antwan and Isaiah "

"London and Chris"

"and Aurora and Kyrie"she finish as everyone seemed to be satisfied with their partner but me not so much

Anit nothing wrong with aurora but im not gone be able to focus while im with her she too interesting in a good way and im not sure if she really like me like tht i gave a bs ass first impression by telling her she talk to much

"The vision boards are due the friday after next"she said and then sat down

I looked over to aurora and saw she was zoned out not knowing whats going on i aas lowkey worried bout her she anit been herself td she was frowning I haven't saw her pretty ass smile all day

I pulled my MacBook out going to the team we play tn highlights they a good ass team ngl imma have to show tf out this game but my best friend "TJ" is our star qb ik y'all didn't take me for having a best friend but tj been down wit me since 5 grade the year after everything happened he was new and talkative but we clicked somehow and we been best friends since

Feeling a presence beside me making me look up and it was my auntie she neva doing ha job

"You ready fa the game tn"she asked as I paused the highlights

"Yeah li nervous doe"i said

"Why you can do ts in yo sleep"she said

"Ik tt but its my last first home game i gotta show out ion want a repeat of last year"i said as she nodded

Last year we went 3-9 it was a bad ass season on my end but it was on the whole team too but i felt like that was my baddest year

"Just focus me and yo momma gone be there supporting you"she said as i nodded

"And i saw eyeing aurora"she said as i looked at her

"Tt"i sighed

She loved playing match maker now i know why me and aurora partners

"Whattt you havent had a girlfriend since tori"she said referring to my old gf

She cheated on me with one of my biggest enemies Avon he was the star WR for the gators we always play them for our hc and we win they was no threat fr but Avon had a smart ass mouth on the field and of the field and thats what made me not like him and everytime we match i make him fold him in every route i do

"And ion want one tt you and ma gotta stop tryna play cupid"i said as she chuckled

"Anit imma ease off but imma finna go talk to my gurl she been looking sad td"she said looking at aurora

She got up and going to talk to aurora who had her head down and when she looked up i could tell she been crying my auntie instantly stood up and they both walked outside

I look forward feeling bad for her she only been hea and week even tho i dont talk to ha i hope anit nobody ruining ha senior year already could tht be why she upset?


I walked out of the school heading to my car to grab my bags i always take a pregame shower to ease the pressure and i also have to move my car to the back of the school

"Kyrie"i heard making me turn around it was aurora i was kinda happen to see her more joyful

Ion like the sad aurora

"Hey sorry i was so closed off td i had a really bad night and I didn't get much sleep which was why i was so cranky"she said and i tilted my head to the side

"Im sorry but why you telling me"i said as i started to walk to my car and she followed

"Cause its basically my job to get you to speak to me everyday trust me you gone get use to it"she said as i shook my head

"Is the game away"she asked as i shook my head

"Nah its here"i said as she nodded

"Who do yall play"she asked as i sighed

"Why did you ask so many questions"i said looking back as i made it to my car

She smiled and i shook my head knowing she wasn't gone answer

"The gators"i said popping my truck

"Well i guess ill see you tn you auntie invited me to go to the game with her"she said making me mentally roll my eyes

She dont listen bro

"She did"i asked getting my bag and putting my school backpack up

"Yeah i insisted on going by myself but she is a really challenging person"she said

I nodded my head agreeing cause she anit lying

"Welp good luck"she said

"Preciate"i said as she started to walk off

I looked at her backside cause obviously im a man at the end of the day

And she got it back thea even wit ha sweatpants on

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