"Wait another minute, you played the guitar?!" He exclaimed.


"Sorry. But you haven't even looked at that guitar since..."

"Yeah I know, but she seems to like it when I play, so I started practicing again."

"You really like her, don't you?"

"I think it's pretty obvious."

"Well, I wouldn't know, I've never actually seen you guys together thanks to you."

I just rolled my eyes at him. "I played it for her too to cheer her up, but then I started saying things I shouldn't have, and didn't say the thing I should have. But if those words alone were enough to make her leave, what would've happened if I actually told her that... I like her."

"Maybe she would've said it back."

"Or maybe she would've told me that i broke my own rules."

"There were rules?"

"Once you have a fake relationship with someone, there are unspoken rules. I'm the one who offered the whole thing, and now I'm the one breaking those same rules." I explained. 

"But what's the point of a relationship if you don't like the other person?"

"I remember when you used to ask me that everytime I dated someone new."

"But Amy is different. You actually like her, and even mom and dad can see you've changed-"

"Hold up, mom and dad didn't know I was a player, right?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Uh, as I was saying-"

"You told them?!"

"Of course not, they're your parents, and they just know these things." He said matter of factly, but I wasn't buying it. I didn't miss the way he avoided eye contact, and kept picking at his nails.


"Anyways, the fact you even picked up that guitar because of her tells me how much you genuinely like her. And it's nice to see you changed. It's been a while."

"It has, hasn't it?" I admitted. "But I don't know what I'd do if she doesn't like me back."

"You're not gonna say that everyone likes you and it's going to be easy?" He teased. Hearing the words I used to say now, just makes me cringe.

"Hell no." I shook my head, but I guess it was a bit too much, cause I was kinda dizzy after.

"Dear brother, I've read enough books to know that It'll all work out if it's meant to."

"Why do you both love books so much?"

"It helps me know what to do in situations like this." He replied with a shrug. "It's also kind of like therapy for me."

"Whatever, nerd." He only rolled his eyes at me, standing up and stretching.

"Well, I have to go now. I still have homework to do."

"Best choice. Leave me alone to drown in despair."

"Stop being so overdramatic." He laughed as he walked over to the door. "And remember, it'll all work out, ok?"

"You better be right."

"Bro, I always am." That was the last thing he said before shutting the door.

What a humble brother I have.

Once again, I was left alone with my thoughts. I've never thought of someone as much as I think of Amy, and even when I could, I didn't care enough to.  Now, I think of every single thing. I think of ways to make her smile or laugh, I think of ways to help her, ways to tease her, ways to make her blush. But now I might not even get a chance to do any of those things. Of course I had to mess it up. I told her all those things to to tell I like her, but I didn't even do it.

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