The Encounter

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"I ain't worried bout the fakes
Or the bodies in my wake
Baby I'm a firework like Pompeii"


As I was walking back home, all I could think about was Xavier. No surprise there. But this time, all that was in my head was the image of his almost pink lips, and how it was so close to meeting mine. Did that really just happen? How am I sure I'm not dreaming...

When I got home, I gave a short smile to Andrew who was talking to one of the helps, making my way to my room and immediately telling Star to come to my house immediately.

It didn't take time before she knocked on my room door and is now sitting on my bed.

"What is the emergency?!" I laughed nervously.

"Well, if you consider almost kissing Xavier an emergency..."

"What?! When?! How?! Wait but everyone is saying you guys made out and ditched class."

"Haha well...we didn't. You know my history questions thing, after that Mr. Roger immediately rushed out then next thing I knew Xavier was closing the door just to put ideas in everyone's heads..."

"Smart boy..." I rolled my eyes. "Ok tell me what happened and how it all happened."

"After, we decided to ditch class because we were five minutes late and I didn't want to face everyone else yet, so we chose to game in his house but when we got there I met his parents and his mom offered me a job or internship opportunity in her fashion design business and  I was so happy that when we went upstairs to his room I hugged him and it was meant to be a thank you hug but as it stretched on it felt like it was more than that and it made me distracted in our game so I said we shouldn't play yet, and then saw his guitar and-"

"Girl!" She held my shoulders and shook me back and forth fast. "Calm down and take a deep breath."

I took deep breaths, one not being able to calm me down.

"Let's handle it one at a time." She said. I nodded. "You're saying his mother offered you a job opportunity in her business." Hearing her say it filled me with excitement for some reason. It made me forget about my little problem momentarily.

"I am." I said with a wide grin. She hugged me immediately  

"OMG I AM SO PROUD!" I giggled.

"Thanks Star."

"Ok more of that later... explain the rest of this quite interesting story but more slow this time."

"Ok. I crouched down to get a better look at his guitar and he did the same beside me, but we were so close and when I looked up at him for some reason, he was closer than I thought. We stared at each other for a while then he was leaning in... but then his brother barged in."


"Yes. I couldn't even look at him again."

"Chill. It's not like things will be akward between you two. Just stop thinking about it."

"I should just stop thinking about the time that I almost kissed Xavier?"

"Yes. Don't think of it too much, if he's as easy going as you say he is, it won't be hard to go back to the way you guys were. And we both know that Xavier is very easygoing."

"I know...."

"Good...My girl has a job!"

Ever since the thing about me and Xavier making out spread, which was yesterday, Jason kept calling over and over.

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