Things ive donn/do as bsd characters

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Also I don't do very eventful things so don't get too excited 💀😭


Had a pet fish but cleaned out the tank every 5-6 months (forgot about it)

Did the wip cream challenge thing (where you fling wip cream and try and get it into your mouth) and successfully landed in the mouth infront if everyone

Tried to Crack and egg but didn't know how and splattered it all over his face


Falls down the stars a lot

Got startled by a friend and screamed really loud in a cafeteria

Has gotten multiple viruses from going onto random websites

Once volunteered at a racoon shelter and lost a racoon


Bites fingers (that cannon I'm pretty sure)

Gets in arguments with little kids

Points out when someone makes a lame ass fake ass story and back up the evidence (Ex. Someone says they don't want someone to know something cause they don't want drama but then they post about the thing and then people know so then you gotta say "didn't you not want that? Whyd you do it??" Or when someone says they wanna hang but then they don't then they post asking if someone wants to hang so then you gotta say "well you said you would hang cause of this anyway so technically you didn't want to just say it")


Farted when taking a test and was the only one laughing (beside the substitute teacher)

Accidentally moaned whole making eggs

Put a frozen reeces cup in the microwave for 2 minutes


Sprayed perfume in an elevator that smelled like weed

Punches things that hurt her (Ex. Like the corner of a table pokes you so you punch it)

Gets annoyed when people say it's time to go but then take forever to actually get in the car and leave


Made little houses for caterpillars, worms, and ants.

Orders the same thing at most of the time at restaurants

Peed his pants at school in the snow

Tried to do a back flip on a trampoline but landed nearly on his neck and had back problems for a week


Can't see for shit (Cannon guys I think it might be but idk hmmmmmmm)

Accidentally put a hot pan on plastic and melted it in the counter

Also gets into arguments with little kids

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