if they were in school

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- Sleeps in EVERY class
- Skips P.E class
- has decent grades even though he doesn't study ir do homework
- One of the class clowns and gets sent out of class often

- Takes it very seriously
- Suprised Nikolai is has even a C
- Studies so much to the point where sometimes he stays up to late
- Never skipped a class or has been absent
- Has passing grades

- All A student
- Doesn't bother to pay attention he knows he'll pass anyway
- has read almost all the books in the library
- One of the kids who ask about the homework just to be an ass
- Doesn't participate in P.E

- plays games on his computer
- Also one of the class clowns
- Sleeps during specific classes
- Still gets all A's
- Hates P.E class but still acts competitive

- Pretty decent
- Takes note on specific things that seem more important to her
- Yells at the kids who ask about homework cause some of the times she forgot it at home
- A+ in P.E but is WAY to competitive
- Decent grades like A's and B's

- Forgets to do homework 85% of the time
- Gets distracted by other things than the class
- For some reason rhe teacher takes a liking to him (not in a weird way) so he looks like the teachers pet but he's not
- hes really quiet and does decent on assignments just forgets homework

- Most likely has beaten up a few kids for dumb reasons
- honestly don't know how a blind person does school.

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