Crazy Ex

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-Y/n Pov-

My life is pretty great except my fucking ex who decides to come see me everyday and stalks me

Me and Rui use to be happy until I caught him cheating on me. He begged and begged me back. I loved him to much, so that's why i had to let him go.

We both needed to find happiness anywhere else than with each other

That didn't happen tho, and i moved on to someone else. He can't seem to process that

I will always love Rui and he will always hold a dear place in my heart but he is insane.

Like a week ago when he broke into my house at night time and kidnapped me

-A Week Ago-

I just got out the shower and did my make up and hair

I FaceTimed my boyfriend Jacob who had his hair loosely fall on his face looking finer than ever

J-hay babe

Y-hay wyd

J-nothing thinking about things

He smiled and I blushed

Y-oh yea?...what type of things?

J-idk maybe like me between ur legs ...or just cuddling u

Y-i wish u were here, but I have exams so that sucks

J-i could always come and climb through ur window

Y-baby the last time u did we almost got caught

J-Y/n ur 21 and in college anyways ur grown. Also,...that's what made it even better-

I hear something downstairs and im just hoping that's my dad but then again he has work and wouldn't be up this late

Y-ima call u back baby

J-yea so ik ur safe


I hang up and grab my pepper spray from my bag and go downstairs trying to be quiet so whoever is here won't see me

All of a sudden someone grabs me from behind covering my mouth while holding my arms down until I dropped the spray and i did

He turns me around and its Rui and i sigh in annoyance

He turns me around and its Rui and i sigh in annoyance

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R-hay baby

He pushes me against the wall and kisses me and i slap him

R-u know i like it rough

Y-fuck u...get out my house Rui we are done. I'm with the man i love and who wouldn't cheat on me

R-I wanted to do this the easy way. That's why I wore this because i know how much u love my body

Y-I use to but not anymore

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