Wild Goose Chase -11-

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"Hey lovebirds, over here!" Paimon called causing the both of you to look over. The little pixie was floating around a normal wood chest over the side of the windmill, quickly beckoning you two over. "Ooh, lemme see what's inside!" She awed our before popping the top open.

A map with a note on the back. "'She doesn't love him at all. The passion rushing through the clear spring is just a front. When she's cold and alone, her true heart is revealed.' There's another map, too." Paimon stated as she read the words off the old paper with a bright red x-marks-the-spot.

The white haired girl suddenly deflated. "More riddles? Paimon's dizzy already. Oh, no! Paimon used up all her brain juice!" She cried in despair while clenching her hair. You deadpanned at her. "We only went through one clue." You muttered. Aether scoffed and crossed his arms. "You never had any to begin with..." He said bluntly.

The female didn't falter. "Paimon'll let you have all the fun. Or, you could get Kaeya to help." She suggested. You took the note from Aether's hold and hummed. You pursed your lips, barely able to read over the map. So you focused on the riddle. It reminded you of something your father used tell you. Something about an Archon.

"Ah! We need to talk to Kaeya!" You shouted in a sudden gust of realization. "Huh? What'd yo-!" Aether didn't get to finish as you summoned your wind glider and jumped off the side of the windmill. "Wha-!" Paimon cried in shock as Aether stumbled in midair before getting his own pair out.

Kaeya's eyes widened, stepping back in surprise when you landed right in front of him. "Oh. Hello there. Nice if you to drop in." The male cooed out, grin widening as he saw your excited smile. You pushed the note over to the Calvary Captain. "We got the next clue! Remind you of someone?" You asked with shining eyes.

The man allowed himself a second longer to stare at them before reading the note. "'She doesn't love him at all. The passion rushing through the clear spring is just a front. When she's cold and alone, her true heart is revealed.'" He read slowly.

Paimon tilted her head. "Any idea what that means?" Kaeya lowered the note before raising an eyebrow at the three of you. "Is this some page stripped from a love novel that you just happened to find?" He smirked at you. "You know, there's no need for settle hints. I don't mind you trying to romance me straight out." The man said slyly, leaning towards you and slightly tilting his head to the side.

Aether cleared his throat rather loudly. He sounded like a old man desperately trying to get air. So much so you had to look back at him with a raised eyebrow. The blonde gave Kaeya a hard look. "Back to the clue please."

Chuckling, Kaeya leaned back up and gave him a innocent smile. Suddenly, Paimon's face lit up in realization. "Oh, wait, so it's not a clue." She huffed and crossed her arms. "No wonder someone as clever as Paimon wasn't able to get it."

"Hahaha... I'm just joking." Kaeya laughed, waving a hand in dismissal. Paimon's cheeks blew out angrily. "Hmph... Take this more seriously, Kaeya!" She demanded.

He grinned. "Haha, this riddle is hard to figure out. Clear spring... Is it referring to Springvale? 'Passion rushing through the clear spring...' So when does passion rush through a clear spring?" He questioned.

The blonde hummed in thought. "Maybe when there are people bathing in the spring water?" He suggested. Kaeya tsked. "Such inappropriate behavior... I feel like it has been creeping into Mondstadt for quite a while now. Unless... that's something you two get up to?" He said, staring at you and Aether with a menacing look.

"H-HOW DARE YOU!" Aether shrieked loudly with a face redder than a Pyro vision. "I-I think he was teasing, Aether." You reassured softly while sweat dropping. He looked at you with wide eyes. "S-STILL!"

Ms. Hummingbird (Various Genshin x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang