The Call to Duty

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After dinner, Zayn went out to the backyard, seeking a moment of solitude. He gazed up at the stars, wondering if Niall was looking at the same sky, sharing the same fears and uncertainties. The distance that would soon separate them felt like an insurmountable chasm, and Zayn grappled with the pain of this impending separation.

Back inside, his family respected his need for space, understanding that this was a journey Zayn had to navigate in his own way. They offered silent support, a pillar of strength in a time of heavy storms.

As the night wore on, Zayn realized that his life was taking a turn he had never anticipated. He understood the importance of his duty, but it did not ease the ache in his heart. The thought of leaving Niall, his family, and everything he knew was a heavy burden to bear.

In the quiet of his room, Zayn finally allowed the tears to fall, tears for what was being asked of him, for the uncertainty of the future, and for the love he was leaving behind. In that moment, he felt the full weight of the draft notice, a piece of paper that had changed everything.

But amidst the fear and sorrow, a sense of resolve began to form within him. He would face this challenge as he had faced all others – with courage and the hope that one day he would return to the life and the people he loved.


The first light of dawn was just beginning to break, casting a gentle glow over Maplewood Grove. Zayn, having spent a restless night, was already awake. The draft notice lay on his bedside table, a stark reminder of the reality that awaited him. He knew what he had to do, whom he needed to see first – Niall.

Slipping out of his house quietly, Zayn made his way through the sleepy streets. The world was still, save for the soft chirping of birds and the distant sound of a milk truck making its early morning rounds. As he walked, his mind was a whirlwind of emotion, each step towards Niall's house both a moment of dread and a desperate longing.

Reaching Niall's family bakery, he paused. The bakery was still closed, the usually bustling storefront silent and dark. He made his way around to the back, where he knew he'd find Niall's house and his window. The thought of waking him felt like an intrusion, but time was a luxury he no longer had.

Zayn tapped softly at the window. After a moment, the curtain twitched and Niall's sleepy face appeared, his expression shifting from confusion to concern upon seeing Zayn.

Niall quickly opened the window. "Zayn? What are you doing here so early? Is everything okay?"

Zayn's throat felt tight, the words hard to find. "Can I come in? I need to talk to you."

Niall nodded, stepping back to allow Zayn to climb through. The room was small, warmly familiar and modestly furnished. Niall's room, Zayn thought, was a perfect reflection of his personality - neat, with a few personal items like books and a small radio, and a window that looks out over the quiet street.

Zayn stood tgere awkwardly, the gravity of his news making the space between them feel vast.

"Niall," Zayn began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I received my draft notice yesterday. I'm being sent to war."

The words hung heavy in the air. Niall's face drained of color, his eyes widening in shock. "You're...what? Zayn, you can't be serious."

"It's true," Zayn said, his own voice breaking. "I have to report in two weeks."

The room was silent for a long, heart-wrenching moment. Niall seemed to be grappling with the news, his expression a mix of disbelief and dawning realization. Then, in a voice laden with emotion, he spoke. "Zayn, I... I don't know what to say. This can't be happening."

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